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Posts Tagged 'censorship'

Something you recently been known only from totalitarian or statist countries like China, now holds venues throughout Europe: in Hungary , de facto freedom of the press was abolished . Will make this school? Against the backdrop of an increasingly rebellious population and under the pretext of further control measures, pardon me, for the improvement of internal security for more than a few Western politicians are quite a desirable scenario.

In the "Press Freedom Index 2010" by Reporters Without Borders, in which the situation of different countries between 1 September 2009 and first Was evaluated in September 2010, Hungary came away with a number 23 is comparatively tolerable. Germany is in the rankings at number 17, Great Britain on 19, France 44 (!). And the U.S.? There, a distinction was bizarrely - as well as in Israel - in domestic and international reporting. Apparently, the censorship in terms of operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, respectively. separately as in Palestine. Does this make sense? Can, or better, which may be separated ever so sharp? read this entry »

Actually I wanted to fall (s) Sarrazin not add my two cents too. Due to the recent development, I can not help but come, yes, I even feel obliged to address a few lines to you.

Just recently we experienced as a major whistleblower Platform, a protected space for informants, was publicly butchered. By all. Without exception. Due to negligence, perhaps even misconduct in a case. Was suddenly forgotten what was there previously secret documents disclosed to or still is and was the guarantor of our democracy. Makes self-circumcision school now?

Thilo Sarrazin has written a book in which he made ​​his point of view - points to shortcomings in the integration policy in Germany - having to bring him drawn by statistics. That is his right, even a guaranteed, namely the freedom of expression. Something that is "won" was tedious, to the freedom of the press is linked.

The man also speaks of something, knowing that it might be unpleasant for some, and that he and his office so that in jeopardy. That's called moral courage.

On a completely different matter is whether one agrees or not Mr. Sarrazin. of this entry »

BP also has pictures on its own website fined. Several times. This was recently by an American blogger (later followed by others) revealed - and immediately from mass media and news agencies also seized in this country. Long silence them completely different calibers of disinformation on the part of the oil giants and the Obama Administration. ZeitGeist blogger Magnus Goeller documented the events of recent months and profound commitment.

Since then the hole in the seabed "stuffed" seems (and I stress appears, because there still is evidence that the action has failed again and new leaks discovered , were now possibly also auströmt gas , so the whole situation much worse to be could as previously thought, especially after the amateurish "rescue efforts" of BP's engineers), the media took a sudden interest in the oil fiasco again. If the editors of major publishers and broadcasting centers also usually so stingy with positive messages!

The FAZ had yesterday, especially courageous shown. Whether Mrs Merkel had been after the apparent turn for the better good for the go-ahead free coverage? read this entry »

Recently published the 1977-founded initiative signals intelligence, modeled on the U.S. "Project Censored" is a list of the ten top issues, which last year did not learn enough in consideration of media coverage.

They are: read more of this entry »

"Yes, we yawn," "Duet, but not a duel," or "And the winner is: Stone Merkel," commented media and bloggers to TV duel Merkel - Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Sunday, which was quote technically, despite the profile neuroses of the four moderators of expectations . Be sure, not mine. Because it is a real opposition in the Bundestag at the same party involved not long ago. They have become interchangeable - without a profile. I still remember the glorious mission a few years ago, in which said the television journalist, a CDU member of parliament, the SPD program read (or was it vice versa?) And those politicians, it was that of his party ... Steinbrueck reiterated today the camera his interest in continuing the great Koalititon because the goals of the two "major parties" stood closer together than ever. It could not be clearer.

A significant other grievance is, however, itself owned by "critics" under the table: Read more of this entry »

1984 was already the day before yesterday. Even when no matter how great optimist can the thing not good talk. The first Internet censorship is the Von-der-Leyenschen access complication Act (or as someone once said so: "Access surreptitiously Act") in Germany is now a fact - and has so many politicians have hinted already that this will in future probably not alone on the topic Child pornography is limited.

How dramatic it is (globally) are now ordered by the censorship and surveillance issues, has the "Guardian" in a map compiled. To China or Iran, we will no longer have to point the finger.

But actually it is even worse. After all, our Home Secretary, who has so often serve as the scapegoat needs helpers. of this entry »

What is happening in Iran? Only dominate the re-election of President Ahmadinejad (or better all the fuss about its legality), demonstrating crowds, insurgents like the dead, for weeks, the news broadcasts and front pages of newspapers - and, indeed, until the death of a halblebigen individuals all the pushing off with a bang in the background Michael Jackson is dead. But to this it should not go here.

But to Iran. The tenor of the coverage in the western Mainsttreammedien is almost uniform (Ahmadinejad of evil, the opposition Mousavi the Good), and yet ask some people: Is it really a good news, if Ahmadinejad gets in his own country under attack? of this entry »

Protestbanner gegen die drohende Internetzensur

Protest banner with a picture of our family minister against the threat of Internet censorship

Ursula von der Leyen has lied proven in terms of "child pornography", which is now well established. "Neither one has dealt with the legal principles of other nations, nor has the federal government is trying to figure out where servers are located in child pornography. And were the foreign lists also not validated, "Thomas Knüwer writes in his blog Handelsblatt . The internet activist Lutz Donnerhacke even wants a total of 13 Lies "Zensursula" have been exposed, then the rapid spread on the net nickname of our family minister. read more of this entry »

Europe has chosen - and confirms the established parties are apparently in their actions. At first glance at least.

Even the most optimistic would have been clear that the cube would not fall in the European elections. The low voter turnout, just 43.24%, incidentally, the lowest since the founding of the EU, reflects not a representative impression of the actual image in the public mood. If, for example, both the non-voters as well as the invalid votes (which were probably aware of for the most part given away) into expected, would result in Germany the following distribution of this entry »

On Sunday's European elections - a bad turnout is predicted now. Many think that what I have with the European Parliament on his hat: "The do anyway, what they want, especially in Brussels" (keyword ban incandescent bulbs ). That may be true, in fact, the European Parliament (which actually is not such) to substantial democratic deficits, and that will be exacerbated by almost all Member States have already ratified the Lisbon Treaty even further. More on this thorny issue in the way you read the next zeitgeist-print edition , as much is revealed here already.

An acquaintance from the former East Germany said the other day and she was referring to the upcoming elections this year, she felt, when they look on the established parties, in the former East Germany reminded of this entry »

Actions speak volumes: The thrust of Family Minister von der Leyen, deny access to a flat rate to certain Internet sites, meets with great lack of understanding - not only for experts . More than 100,000 people (!) Now have an online petition drawn on screen , who speaks out clearly against the locks ( I told ). Because it makes no sense technically, and administratively and psychologically is extremely problematic, even Netzpolitik.org writes in the article "Why it comes to censorship" .

In other European countries there are attempts at censorship, the Internet are more of this entry »

Democratic regimes are not ready for the level of participation, which is required for pending decisions on the climate issue. This is the announcement of an international climate change conference, held from 8 to 10 June in food is recognized as a postulate in the space provided. Among the supporters of the conference, which blithely enough, the title " The Great Transformation carries "includes, in addition to the Federal Environment Ministry, the foundations of Thyssen, Krupp, Henkel, Volkswagen and Hertie said Michael Limburg, spokesman for the independent Climate Institute EIKE . Limburg, author of an article about the beneficiaries of "climate catastrophe" in the zeitgeist-Heft 1-2009 criticized, has long been the exploitation of climate change on the part of the authorities. In the conference call, he recognizes an "unconstitutional activities". of this entry »

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