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Posts Tagged "election"

Since last Sunday, the media interest in the Pirate Party has exponentially scary. Previously it was largely overlooked as a small party, some even ridiculed or scorned. Since the pirates with 8.9% of the votes are moved to the Berlin House of Representatives, and the same with all 15 candidates , things look different. The new faces, including biographies go through the press. Even on talk shows are the "power pirates" are now sought after.

The Berlin election was the first major success since the founding of the Pirate Party in 2006, not mentioning various local elections. But why the sudden run of the voters? Was it the increased campaigning in the run? Or is it (late) fruits of the rapidly increasing number of members (currently around 12,000, which makes it the seventh largest in the pirates behind the Green Party)? Or was the whole time just ripe?

Anyway: It was a clever move by the pirates, the basic income and the Direct Democracy party include in its program. read more of this entry »

From another Bundestagswahlnachbetrachtung I'll spare you here. Which there was already amply elsewhere. I would like hinlenken their attention elsewhere: Right at the time the elections were in fact some polling stations - even the younger members of our society - unfortunately, they read it as good as anything in the press make a tick on the ballot . The result of the evaluation of these young people choose (see illustration) was quite surprising - or maybe not of this entry »

"What just pick this weekend?" Ask not currently few, especially against the background, as a continuation of the grand coalition seems to be almost a done deal. We want the citizens as well? And: What alternatives are there?

In my role as publisher, editor and journalist, I am the documentor, and legally would therefore express no specific recommendation to vote. However, it is my heart, key facts and trends in society and demonstrate the consequences of possible choices that love you, dear reader, reader, may ease the agony of choice. read more of this entry »

"Yes we yawn," "Duet, but no match" or "And the winner is: Stone Merkel," commented media and bloggers to TV duel Merkel - Steinmeier on Sunday, which was quote technically despite the profile neuroses of the four moderators of expectations . Be sure, not mine. Because it is a real opposition in the Bundestag under the same parties not connected for a long time. They have become interchangeable - without a profile. I still remember the glorious mission a few years ago, in which said television journalist one CDU member of parliament, the SPD program read (or was it vice versa?) And those politicians, it was the his party's ... Steinbrueck reiterated today the camera to be of great interest to continue Koalititon because the goals of the two "major parties" stood closer together than ever. It could not be clearer.

A significant other grievance, however, itself owned by "critics" under the table: more of this entry »

That election is absurd in itself something that I had in a previous post run. Particularly bizarre is (pp Lisbon Treaty, bad banks, Abwrackirrsinn etc..) Against the background of recent government policy misdeeds, if the party representatives now try a few weeks with a man of the people (or at least pretend as if) to stand as a good guy (even the that got us into all misery) or naive to make promises (which polls show that while 80% believe no longer , but still fall for it again to be).

Since we have such as the SPD candidate Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the main electoral promises as a point of full employment program. In all seriousness. Class, in this unworldliness it takes no more cabaret, this is satire.

Or the CDU: this entry »

Hooray, the crisis has been a few days or weeks pass , it sounds unanimously by the mass media. Well, that's saying nothing, paper is patient (focusing screens too). But if it does? Then our politicians so not so bad loser, as it is claimed by the ever-nagging killjoy.

Especially would finally realized how clever and thoughtful acts of our elected officials have basically. After all, we have provoked the "crisis" brought many benefits but scary (we get to know people and act only when the disease pressure is high enough): read more of this entry »

1984 was already the day before yesterday. Even when no matter how big the thing an optimist can be no more talk nicely. The first Internet censorship is the Von-der-Leyenschen access impediment law (or as someone once said so: "Access surreptitiously Act") in Germany is now a fact - and has so many politicians have hinted already, that this future probably not alone on this topic Child pornography is limited.

How dramatic it is (globally) are now ordered by the censorship and surveillance issues, has the "Guardian" in a map compiled. To China or Iran, we will no longer have to point the finger.

But actually it is even worse. After all, our Home Secretary, who has so often serve as the scapegoat must assistants. of this entry »

Europe has chosen - and confirms the established parties are apparently in their actions. At first glance, at least.

Even the most optimistic would have been clear that the cube would not fall in the European elections. The low voter turnout, just 43.24%, by the way, the lowest since the founding of the EU, reflects not a representative impression of the actual image in the public mood. If, for example, both the non-voters as well as the invalid votes (which were probably aware of for the most part given away) into reckon with, would result in Germany the following distribution of this entry »

On Sunday's European elections - a poor voter turnout is predicted now. Many think that what I have with the European Parliament on his hat: "The do anyway, what they want, especially in Brussels" (keyword ban incandescent bulbs ). That may be true, in fact, the European Parliament (which actually is not such) to significant democratic deficits, and that will worsen with in almost all Member States have already ratified the Treaty of Lisbon further. More on this sensitive subject in the way you read the next zeitgeist-print edition , as much is revealed here already.

A friend from the former East Germany said the other day and she was referring to the upcoming elections this year, she felt, when they look at the established parties, the former GDR reminded of this entry »

In March, only the Federal Constitutional Court ruled that the use of voting machines at the last general election in 2005 was unconstitutional (and the computers are so 2009 does not come well-used), because he had violated the principle of public choice. Two million people had cast their votes in 2005 to 1800 units, identified the TIME . The election did not have to be repeated, the court held: ". The interest in the continuance of the trust on the constitutionality of the Federal Voting Machine Ordinance composite representation of the people outweighs the choice error" A little diplomacy swings in the argument with true, which may be conceded to the judges here, Finally, new elections soon anyway.

Less understanding, however, I bring in another place to read more of this entry »

The cultivation of GM maize is now also banned in Germany. Due to potential hazards to animals and plants, leaving CSU Agriculture Minister Ilse Aigner announced Tuesday. Activists like Campact or genetic information service , which had been mobilized for months on a broad front cost, as a clear success of this bourgeois-democratic commitment. Certainly correct.

Aigner's veto was clear for me but also not a surprise ... or. Finally, elections are coming up soon. And then it goes to the (GMO free) sausage. Since it refers also like Monsanto lobbyists in the second row. At least for now. of this entry »

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