Posts Tagged 'monitoring'
Closes with these words, Alexander Lehmann's latest prank-driven film, which has even more to the data collecting mania of the federal government prescribed. Lehmann became famous for his highly successful video post, "You are a terrorist."
Do you want total security? Look for yourself:
No comment from the clip on the other hand delivers to the question, read this post »
Freedom. It is threatened with extinction? You, probably the greatest of all virtues? You, that makes life worth living at all? You, we recognize their value only when it has lost touch with us? I mean, yes.
Of the highly acclaimed cabaret artist Hagen me otherwise Rether is convinced that we need less freedom. We would not deal with it acted irresponsibly. Is he right?
Dealing with freedom to be learned , in fact. However, that requires an incentive - perhaps even a crisis. In any case, but a liberal democratic framework. Although we have on paper, but looks like the lived reality? of this entry »
Have until shortly before 19 clock yesterday probably did not believe a few (? Or even hoped), the D-Mark would come back to us - and found to have food at a radio station , at least for a short time. But then drew from what realistically (see the previous blog entry "9 reasons against the 'D-Mark-2'" ) had to happen: no chancellor on TV, no messages or notice boards on a currency reform, and on Monday sure no new DM notes at the bank counter.
No later than yesterday, when Merkel warned of a collapse of the euro , it would have had to dawn on the very last, that the common currency will not be so easily abandoned. read more of this entry »
No sooner is the largest existing constitutional challenge, measured by the number of Mitbeschwerdeführer, from the table (see previous blog entry ), the next gets rolling: this time is the "retention of social data" is being targeted by civil rights activists, it's about ELENA.
As the FoeBuD e. V. on 17 Announced in March, 48 hours after the call for participation was signed more than 10,000 people. At the time of publication of this article were 17622nd The association had initiated the constitutional complaint, together with other data protection authorities and was surprised at how the news spread like an avalanche.
ELENA, the "electronic payment record," which came into force earlier this year was, privacy advocates from the start as a concern. read more of this entry »
Last week, the Federal Constitutional Court announced its ruling in terms of retention: They violate the fundamental right to protection of telecommunication secrecy, the judge, Hans-Jürgen Papier. So a clear stop sign for the monitoring zeal of our government. And that the "slap" probably hurt representative shows the response of female experts in the Christian Democratic Union, Wolfgang Bosbach, who after the recording of the ZDF talk show "Michael Lanz," the chairman of the civil rights organization foebud insulted eV behind the scenes as "flat pipe" have intended, as the club on 4 March reported via newsletters.
The majority of Germans would at least be relieved. Against the law had about 35,000 people have complained, there was never such a thing before. It has proven that citizens do not want to be transparent. read more of this entry »
Recently, the 1977 initiative established signals intelligence modeled after the U.S. "Project Censored" is a list of the ten top issues, which last year did not learn enough consideration in media coverage.
They are: read more of this entry »
"Yes we yawn," "Duet, but no match" or "And the winner is: Stone Merkel," commented media and bloggers to TV duel Merkel - Steinmeier on Sunday, which was quote technically despite the profile neuroses of the four moderators of expectations . Be sure, not mine. Because it is a real opposition in the Bundestag under the same parties not connected for a long time. They have become interchangeable - without a profile. I still remember the glorious mission a few years ago, in which said television journalist one CDU member of parliament, the SPD program read (or was it vice versa?) And those politicians, it was the his party's ... Steinbrueck reiterated today the camera to be of great interest to continue Koalititon because the goals of the two "major parties" stood closer together than ever. It could not be clearer.
A significant other grievance, however, itself owned by "critics" under the table: more of this entry »
Michael Jackson is the most important issue in the world. This is the conclusion I have come to me recently as I've seen the stats of my blog. No other post has received nearly so much as the inflow of the (un) dead pop icon, the myriad of comments speaks the same language. Far more people than I have previously wanted to be true, on this celebrity gossip-gossip-nonsense. Logically, bread and games, but we actually know yet from ancient Rome.
Surveillance , media manipulation or decay of democracy , which is not interested (nor has it ever?), or only marginally. Why also, so we have to directly create nothing. We leave that to our politicians who know what they do.
I must finally learn to understand this entry »
1984 was already the day before yesterday. Even when no matter how big the thing an optimist can be no more talk nicely. The first Internet censorship is the Von-der-Leyenschen access impediment law (or as someone once said so: "Access surreptitiously Act") in Germany is now a fact - and has so many politicians have hinted already, that this future probably not alone on this topic Child pornography is limited.
How dramatic it is (globally) are now ordered by the censorship and surveillance issues, has the "Guardian" in a map compiled. To China or Iran, we will no longer have to point the finger.
But actually it is even worse. After all, our Home Secretary, who has so often serve as the scapegoat must assistants. of this entry »
Europe has chosen - and confirms the established parties are apparently in their actions. At first glance, at least.
Even the most optimistic would have been clear that the cube would not fall in the European elections. The low voter turnout, just 43.24%, by the way, the lowest since the founding of the EU, reflects not a representative impression of the actual image in the public mood. If, for example, both the non-voters as well as the invalid votes (which were probably aware of for the most part given away) into reckon with, would result in Germany the following distribution of this entry »