Posts Tagged "Lisbon Treaty"
Recently, the 1977 initiative established signals intelligence modeled after the U.S. "Project Censored" is a list of the ten top issues, which last year did not learn enough consideration in media coverage.
They are: read more of this entry »
Have you noticed it: The swine flu is * largely disappeared from the media coverage (leaving aside by Oliver Pocher's self-promotion at the occasion of his supposed infection). And why even President Obama - strange, but we stuck in the middle of a pandemic allegedly declared a national emergency state had. Though it may be that the "authorities" of the emerging resistance against controversial vaccines and forced vaccination is supposed to become hot, maybe even fear arose, the dozing masses could still notice inconsistencies completely different?
In fact, so few fires smolder more or less in the subsoil: more of this entry »
What is going on with our world? Play as all crazy or am I the one who is wrong?
Only the self-staged terror and fear mongering everywhere, then the climate catastrophe that is not really one, even the crisis does not really know what she wants - and now even SARS, uh, the Vogelgr ... nonsense swine fever, oh no, the say yes now swine flu. And because the run is as dramatic as those predecessors, the politicians are addicted to the Impfwahn. Prevention is said to be useful. The only question is for whom. It is however certain the cash injection for the pharmaceutical industry, because the all so extremely poor.
Across the Pond President Obama thinks it particularly well, and calls on 24 October swine flu state of emergency from the same technical . Strange that it was experienced in the media with us next to nothing and if so, how extremely played down in the case of the Süddeutsche Zeitung . Hardly anyone knows, therefore, that this is a drastic measure, which - once initiated - the Congress can not be stopped without further notice! U.S. civil rights goodbye? read more of this entry »
The controversial EU Reform Treaty of Lisbon is in this country through: through the German Bundestag by the Federal Council by the Federal Constitutional Court to conditions (after they had placed a total of eight or more parties constitutional complaint), reworked with accompanying legislation and again by the parliament , rejected renewed constitutional complaint and Finally, on 23 September by the Federal President Horst Köhler personally signed . Suitable for the general election.
Besides Germany, 23 states had ratified it before the contract. Now it depends only on the hard-headed Irishman, it is said in the media. The green island had spoken out clearly in a referendum in June 2008, but against the Reform Treaty. Tomorrow, the second October, however, should the referendum be repeated . read more of this entry »
That election is absurd in itself something that I had in a previous post run. Particularly bizarre is (pp Lisbon Treaty, bad banks, Abwrackirrsinn etc..) Against the background of recent government policy misdeeds, if the party representatives now try a few weeks with a man of the people (or at least pretend as if) to stand as a good guy (even the that got us into all misery) or naive to make promises (which polls show that while 80% believe no longer , but still fall for it again to be).
Since we have such as the SPD candidate Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the main electoral promises as a point of full employment program. In all seriousness. Class, in this unworldliness it takes no more cabaret, this is satire.
Or the CDU: this entry »
This past long weekend spent the 14th Dalai Lama visits in Frankfurt. He who understands it like no other minister of the eastern hemisphere, the people (masses) to move. At least here with us in the West.
For the first time this year, it cost admire admission, the Tibetan "god king" to be allowed to live. The regular ticket prices ranged from 20 to just under 250 €, truly not chicken. With "Once in a lifetime to meet the Dalai Lama" was the organizer, the nonprofit Buddhism in Frankfurt GmbH in 2009, but the appropriate slogan, the crowd at the event to intensify. The Dalai Lama as the iconic pop star.
We took advantage of the zeitgeist-us editorial Saturday on the way to meeting more of this entry »
Europe has chosen - and confirms the established parties are apparently in their actions. At first glance, at least.
Even the most optimistic would have been clear that the cube would not fall in the European elections. The low voter turnout, just 43.24%, by the way, the lowest since the founding of the EU, reflects not a representative impression of the actual image in the public mood. If, for example, both the non-voters as well as the invalid votes (which were probably aware of for the most part given away) into reckon with, would result in Germany the following distribution of this entry »
On Sunday's European elections - a poor voter turnout is predicted now. Many think that what I have with the European Parliament on his hat: "The do anyway, what they want, especially in Brussels" (keyword ban incandescent bulbs ). That may be true, in fact, the European Parliament (which actually is not such) to significant democratic deficits, and that will worsen with in almost all Member States have already ratified the Treaty of Lisbon further. More on this sensitive subject in the way you read the next zeitgeist-print edition , as much is revealed here already.
A friend from the former East Germany said the other day and she was referring to the upcoming elections this year, she felt, when they look at the established parties, the former GDR reminded of this entry »
Democratic regimes are not ready for the level of participation, which is required for pending decisions on the climate issue. This is the announcement of an international climate conference, held from 8 to 10 June in food is recognized as a postulate in the space provided. Among the supporters of the conference, which blithely enough, the title " The Great Transformation carries "includes, in addition to the Federal Environment Ministry, the foundations of Thyssen, Krupp, Henkel, Volkswagen and Hertie said Michael Limburg, spokesman for the independent Climate Institute EIKE . Limburg, author of a post on the beneficiaries of "climate catastrophe" in the zeitgeist-issue 1-2009 criticized, has long been the exploitation of climate change on the part of the authorities. In the conference call, he detects an "unconstitutional activities". of this entry »