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Archive for the 'Science' Category

Art and science, research and teaching are free. It says so in Article 5, paragraph 3, of our constitution. It can not hurt to stand out and be remembered, especially against the background of increasing attacks on our fundamental rights. But if you look at the apparatus of today "science" represents.

Science is no more activity, but an institution. Power structures have been established, which are not really conducive to science. To what extent, and what we can do about it, you will learn in this post.

The actual free research has taken a back seat, officials organizing the operation. Sure, organized science is not punishable. Not yet. This entry »

The day before yesterday was World Cancer Day. It should remind us, so Pressetext.de, "that cancer is still one of the major and often fatal endemic diseases". Hm, you really have to remember? Does not almost every a relative, friend or acquaintance, which this terrible diagnosis was made?

Interestingly enough, could not be determined unanimously today, what cancer really matters. The opinions diverge widely. Many school physicians about reducing it, to put it simply, the tumors and are still of the opinion, like to be able to cure the disease by removing. Systemic Thinking seen in cancer the expression of a derailed process that is sustainable correctable only with a holistic approach. The branded Hamer again indicated in tumor formation already the healing phase ...

The problem, and often overlooked in the development of disease events, the role of diagnosis is, in my view as such. This entry »

After extensive Climategate scandal (a comprehensive survey we find z. B. FOCUS MONEY) and the recent misinterpretation of glacier melt by the "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate" (see my last blog post) keeps us science constantly new pods before, which often only are visible at second glance as such. Three examples of the past three days thereafter should be made ​​clear: more of this entry »

It's finally over, the unspeakable Copenhagen Summit. What prevailed there for a mess: The press was able to move only be restricted if it was because ever admitted. The politicians present were moving toward each other, then back away from one another (as long as you can the thinned rapporteurs believe), then yet to attain a minimum consensus (which was once celebrated by Mrs Merkel as a success - hm, whether it has since probably confused something and assumed that soon again pending elections?).

The many activists before a closed door were the most active, but shame to the energy used when the ideals are wrong. This entry »

In the major sectors of the economy are real innovations for decades nil; supposedly new products presented merely variations or modifications already on market, it is technologies represent, I was reading the other day and had the - largely - agree. It really should be even questioned why it was developed for electricity, light bulb, the steam engine, car Broadcasting and nothing really new anymore? We actually have a shortage inventors, especially here, in the (former) country of poets and thinkers? Have we become sluggish and lazy?

Or is it more like the market power of large companies? And why are corporate executives should rush into larger investments, as long as the "cash cow" can still be milked? This entry »

The specter of AIDS haunts again by the media (even if it has now been trumped by the at least equally spooky swine flu), but this time in rather unusual garb: A member of the pop band "No Angels", Nadja Benaissa, to others infected through negligence - with the deadly HIV virus. On April 14, she was arrested. It was said that it would suffer a severe punishment.

Although Benaissa now is now on the loose, is equal to several times around a monstrous history. Not only that, it was clearly in breach with the arrest of the principle of proportionality, but also because the singer was all the hype for the rest of their lives "branded" as a leper (and that the people can make you sick, is sufficiently occupied). Above all, however, surprised the legal procedure because the postulated retrovirus is the microbiologist Dr. Stefan Lanka following, has until now neither isolated nor detected any other way more of this entry »

Water as a potential source of energy - is what we reported in the current Zeitgeist print edition 1-2009 (the contribution may be in a long version also online be read). There are science journalists from Haiko Lietz two methods in particular presented that are in the broadest sense to the so-called "free energy" calculated: Cold Fusion and BlackLight Power. Especially Erstgenanntes (recently called "Low Energy Nuclear Reactions") could now soon, as anticipated in the article, get a real breakthrough. Of this entry »

A London borough, the parking fee for the CO 2 emissions conceded a CO2-neutral wireless service plan (Talk Greener), "CO 2 -frisierte" electric cars ... - and now, the curtain, the CO 2 -Card: the rage of the creative workshop of carbon dioxide Verteufler. The profiteering by the alleged greenhouse gas ever drives stranger flowers.

CO2-Card der Aachener Stiftung Kathy Beys (Pressefoto)

CO2 card of Aachen Foundation Kathy Beys (Press Photo)

What's with the map on it? There are now considerations, every man should own CO 2 account and receive a limited usage right corresponding to z. B. two tonnes of CO 2. He can verplanen as he wants in his car, the heating, the Sport (= increased exhalation). If this quota is used up, so the scenario, and the desire for more CO 2 emissions there, you just have to buy more "pollution rights". This entry »

2009 was chosen to Darwin Year - the most well-known representatives of the theory of evolution would this year become 200 years old. The EVO magazine has dedicated to a website designed, and my colleague Ron Engert made ​​it the cover story of the latest issue of its magazine Tattva Viveka. Only two of countless releases, event announcements and other assessments - Google announces at the keyword "Darwin Year" already hit 235,000, barely a quarter of the year is over.

Especially made ​​much trouble, the broadcaster has 3sat with the flash animation "The Darwin Code". In addition to all kinds of cultural references and course tear-outs from Darwin's biography and discussion of diverse colleagues and competitors (forgotten however was the British philosopher and sociologist Herbert Spencer, zeitgeist on its significant research findings in Issue 2-2007 had reported in detail), it is mainly a series of video clips to key terms of evolution ("Darwin bits") that are particularly successful, z. B. on mimicry, coevolution, or epigenetics also got into the fashion creationism.

It would be desirable, however, to take the Darwin Year also as an opportunity to reinvigorate the dialogue about the weaknesses or breaks in the theory of evolution, which it indeed remains crucial are more of this entry »

The otherwise quite informative television format "nano" appeared recently polemical. In the broadcast from 06:03:09 the question should be investigated if not the man but the sun could be the trigger of climate change, as often claimed. Instead the issue objectively backlighting, even a Swiss scientist was just interviewed who had not yet come to my knowledge in the climate debate in appearance. Based on the measurement of beryllium-10 atoms came to this strange resumé: The sun remains a dynamic star, their influence on the Earth, however, constant. Hide what that kind of logic? Is because of this entry »

Václav Klaus, couragierter Präsident der Tchechischen Republik

Vaclav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic courageous

One who does not keep bones about his opinion, even on formal occasions not, Czech President Václav Klaus. Just yesterday he criticized in the European Parliament, that the Lisbon Treaty Increase the gap between citizens and the EU and even presented the role of the European Parliament questioned. He spoke of "democratic deficit, not by elected decision, but by Chosen, bureaucratisation of decision making" and called to mind, "that one or another institutional arrangement of the European Union is not an end to itself, but an instrument to achieve real goals". Due to the non-existence of a European people, so Klaus further strengthening of the European Parliament would "result in even greater sense of alienation of EU citizens from the institutions" at a. As on the website of the European Parliament is to be read, dungeons at this point numerous parliamentarians protest the Chamber. This entry »

Last night it was possible a post-ARTE, my attention to bind longer. On display were two young, distinctive French, who led an amazingly profound conversation about mixing. One of them, invited as a guest, was the author Vincent Cespedes and the other, the interviewer and presenter of the series, Raphaël Enthoven.

They stretched the sheet of our multicultural society ("mixing takes place only when identity change") on mass psychology and manipulation (using the example of the election of President Sarkozy, in a social mixing not spontaneously created but has been organized this entry »

Dear reader!

Over ten years ago I first heard of the idea that oil is not of fossil origin but a "renewable" resource. My first thought was that time: That can not be true followed by a second:. Then the fate of mankind would be yes but not sealed! Entirely new perspectives activities on ... And then came the third, which ultimately prevented me from the subject immediately editorial pick: When would the wrong people heard, they knew it to use for their purposes, and the burgeoning awareness of the preservation the environment would sabotaged ...

As I was to learn later, was actually much rumored, but precisely from the direction from which I had not expected. In the present edition therefore also read, who the "Green Movement" Why funded and that a true heart for nature with the instrumentalized climate about as much to do with how the BieneMaja Monsanto. This entry »

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