Archive for the category "energetic"
"What just select next weekend?" Ask not currently few, especially against the background, as a continuation of the grand coalition seems to be almost a done deal. We want the citizens could they? And: What alternatives are there anyway?
In my role as publisher, editor and journalist, I feel duty-bound for documentation of neutrality and would therefore like to express no specific choice recommendation. I located it but at heart, show substantial facts and trends in society and the consequences of possible choices that may help you, dear reader, dear reader, are spoiled for choice. Read this story »

Protest banner with a picture of our family minister against the threat of Internet censorship
Ursula von der Leyen has demonstrably lied in terms of "child pornography on the Internet", that's for sure now. "Neither one has dealt with the legal principles of other nations, yet the federal government has tried to find out where servers are with child pornography. And the foreign lists were also not validated, "Thomas Knüwer writes in his Handelsblatt Blog . The Internet activist Lutz Donnerhacke even wants total 13 lies of "Zensursula" have so rapidly in the network spread Nickname our family minister debunked. Read this story »
On Sunday's European elections - a poor turnout is already predicted. Many think that I have with the European Parliament on the hat: "The do anyway, what they want, just in Brussels" (keyword bulbs ban ). That may be true also, in fact, the European Parliament (which actually does no such is) significant democratic deficits on, and that will worsen the already ratified in almost all Member States, the Treaty of Lisbon further. More on this sensitive issue by the way you read in the next zeitgeist-print edition , as much is already revealed here.
A friend of the new federal states said the other day, and they included all upcoming elections this year that she felt when she looks at the established parties, to the former GDR recalls this entry »
In March until the Federal Constitutional Court ruled that the use of voting computers in the last general election in 2005 was unconstitutional (and the computer therefore probably not be used in 2009) because he had violated the principle of the public nature of elections. Two million citizens had voted in 2005 to 1,800 units, determined the TIME . However, the choice should not be repeated, the court found: "The interest in the continuance of the composite on the constitutionality of the Federal Voting Machine Ordinance in reliance popular representation outweighs the choice error." A little diplomacy swings in the argument with true; which may be admitted to the judges here, finally, are soon anyway elections.
Less understanding I bring, however, elsewhere on this entry »

Action plate of the AK censorship
The "authorized" Blocking Internet Sites (see blog entry of April 18 ) were employed, yes reluctant apparently far more German citizens than expected. A yesterday drafted online petition that can be drawn on by anyone who had within a day more than 16,000 (!) supporters and thus brought the petition server partially disrupted this entry »
"The idea of a basic income is spreading like a smoldering fire, which is more than it shows an occasional lick. Because it is reasonable because it is time, "writes Daniel Häni, driving force of the Swiss initiative basic income and makers of the Basic Income film , in his last round mail. It would be a cultural movement in the making, he speculates: chaotic, undogmatic, creative. Everyone can participate, the movement had no headquarters. "They organized themselves amicably, Internet-based, warmly intelligent."
This Häni is certainly correct his perception of things essentially corresponds also mine. Wherever - mostly spontaneous - Actions have been launched, this met with great response, such as the recent petition to the Bundestag or the April Fool of the fictitious "Agency Agreement" . Just not our elected representatives, most refuse the issue. After publication of the zeitgeist-print edition 2-2007 , which made the basic income to the title topic, I had Mrs. Merkel written personally. this entry »
Until recently it was thought the keyword "Internet censorship" only to China. Now the West dares to advance, namely a distinct, with Sarkozy to spearhead: French Prime Minister wants to "data suckers" prefer the same network connection hats - much to the delight of the music industry. The French parliament, however, granted a some avant-garde once rebuffed.
In this country wants "Big Brother" now more than just a say. Last Friday five major Internet provider (Alice / Hansenet, German Telekom, Cable Germany, Telefonica / O2 and Vodafone / Arcor) signed on the initiative of Family Minister Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) an agreement that they would soon based on black lists of the Federal page accesses are to prevent child pornography. Then a red stop sign or a similar warning will be shown for the stray surfers.
Christian Bahls, founder of the "victims of abuse against Internet censorship" and former victims of sexual assault, is disappointed by the overzealous politician. "I feel abused in the debate for a political goal," he told . Will probably courted voters favor even with such a sensitive matter? Read this story »
We live in exciting times. If we look a try on the meta-level the whole rigmarole crisis: The Old crumbles, the Symptomkuriererei the G-20 is the can not stop, delay at best something. The key questions which now, more and more, are but: How will "the Old" goodbye? If there is a real (re) break, maybe even violent? And actually, more importantly: What will replace the old? Something really new - or the Past can still "carry over without bloodshed" Read this story »
Last Saturday was "Earth Hour" . Also have your light obedient enough, one hour off "climate change"? I do not, at least not intentionally (maybe I just was sitting in the dark on the sofa, casual, and allowed myself a breather., I did not look at the clock ...).
Why do I not intend to participate with enthusiasm? This has mehrerlei reasons. Read this story »
In view of the escalating crisis, and just in time for April 1, surprising was adopted at a special meeting of the German Bundestag majority. For this purpose, my colleague Jens Heisterkamp of Info3 :. "In extending the broad-based economic development programs for the ailing auto and banking industry, the Federal Government has now decided at short notice to support the citizens directly and introduce the Unconditional Basic Income" The application form can at the competent offices now be submitted. Particularly fast can the basic security also directly on the Internet apply.
Not all has this step amazed - some consider him even for long overdue. Read this story »
As power - mostly invisible - acts and what she does with people, one of the tried -partner initiative organized festival in moving images to keep in mind. Since January it is aligned in German theaters until the fall of 2009 then in 120 cities, from Aachen to Zeil am Rhein.
The organizers as well as the filmmakers, it's not about to assume the existence of a central authority; Rather, the various forms of power whose mechanisms and dealing with it are pointed to more of this entry »
Last night our editors received the indication of a online vote of the European Citizens' Consultations , a device that was completely unknown to me until now. As I experienced, it brings randomly selected citizens from all 27 EU Member States, and aims to discuss with decision-makers the most important challenges facing Europe - ahead of the European elections of course of particular importance.
Suggested topics may submit to the Internet, be distributed equally there voices (registration is required). Here is a selection previously filed applications in Germany: Read this story »

"Attack" on the TIME
With a "fake" TIME-number on 21 March, the globalization network Attac caused a stir. Claims to have created 150,000 copies of the newspaper in 90 German cities distributed. In the post-dated on May 1, 2010 newspaper edition is anticipated and envisioned what this country and in the world until then everything could be improved and should. Even the display advertising has been transformed creatively. A similar action had the activist group "The Yes Men" last fall with the "New York Times" performed. However, this was not so easy to debunk as forgeries. this entry »