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Archive for June 28th, 2012

At first it was in Germany's finances, which were snatched on June 29, 2012, the state sovereignty. That day was the ESM (European Stability Mechanism permanent bailout fund with unlimited liability, coll.) and the so-called "fiscal compact" rubber-stamped by Parliament. And, although the deputies the hundreds of pages long terms, written in kompliziertestem "Anglo-Saxon" had received, shortly before the inspection. This procedure was known already by the Lisbon Treaty.

The majority in the Bundestag came about because the major parties in an oblique Deal agreed ("ESM against financial market tax"), unbelievable in retrospect, how cheap the Constitution was hawked. Cleverly had so threaded it, before the vote, a two-thirds majority to demand (amazing how sure could feel the ESM-proponents) to go ahead with constitutional objections out of the way.

Also, the Federal Council did not hesitate to approve long. As "countertrade" the prime minister was a relief for the communities in the billions pledged. Bargaining practices, which would so rather belongs to a bazaar.

As predicted by many constitutional law , were even by the Federal Constitutional Court - after initial rags - found no major concerns (What could have done it differently? The court was overwhelmed hopelessly with the scope of the decision Ironically, it had thus itself abolished, as well as before. Parliament.) Previously, the President had signed it without hesitation, so that the ESM deadline July 9, 2012 came into force and the end of democracy in Germany was sealed.

Resistance was found one like it in retrospect hardly believe also außerparteilich only to a small extent - apart from a few petitions, demonstrations, curious actions (such as catapulting of fundamental laws ) and threats of legal action before the Constitutional Court. People were firmly occupied by the European Football Championship (broadcasters had only in superficial allusions lost until it was too late after all). The mass of citizens was at that time anyway, stundein stundaus so busy to earn their livelihood. From the history learned nothing: Bread and Games already the Old Rome had brought the downfall ...

Early on, sounded the call for a new constitution. Read this story »

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