Time for the mind
Thomas Röttcher - Curriculum Vitae

Have you ever asked the question - if you are not a member of the party, where they would be politically situate? Or even where you are situates from others?

Apply as a Right, because you can not support democracy distant or even anti-democratic development within the EU?

Are you "right" if you stand up for the preservation of sovereignty? Or the D-Mark (or another national currency) want back? Or in connection with international football tournaments, a Germany flag carry on car?

Are You a Right, because you on dangers of alienation and the loss of cultural values, if not to point one's own identity? Because you cultivate the German language and have nothing with "gender mainstreaming" in the hat?

And if you do not want to approve of government intervention or regulation of any kind, then what are you? A liberal or libertarian?

If you hold up the flag of freedom and are against any form of monitoring, you are then also a libertarian? Or pirate?

What are you, if you prefer local products and services and other call attention to the dangers of globalization? A Green? A Left?

Are you a leftist, if you are running against warmongering and for peace? A linker also, if you point out that the gap between rich and poor rises dramatically, to defend themselves against exploitation and the power of the banks?

Propagate the (unconditional) basic income or for any other type of basic security, which also means "Links" (or, more recently Pirate) to be?

Are you a linker automatically once you go for more justice and less deprivation on the road?

And if you insist on your legal rights ... basic - yes, what are you then?

Left, Right, Middle - plays a role at all? Is this scheme meaningful?

In party political level thinking in these categories was nevertheless long been reduced to absurdity. The major parties have become interchangeable in their programs. It seems as if they were all as it were a single agenda. And disputed in its opportune Pseudogegensätzlichkeit only the theatricality sake.

The left-right classification assigns labels that serve to discredit, polarization and fear mongering. The latest NPD debate illustrated this once well.

Popular categorization is also to divert attention from other issues intimidate citizens or hineinzunötigen whose cross into another box, "If you do not choose us, then you are giving a radical party's voice."

Radical. For me, all the established parties are in some ways radically adjust the fraction coercion on the conscience of MPs and have their cliques almost all instances of the three powers "durchseucht" and thus abolished their separation quasi how this zeitgeist-author Friederike Beck in a Post had shown very clearly.

Perhaps the political landscape is even mainly responsible for the decline of the Western democracies. Sure, they will hardly be abolished, at least not in the foreseeable future. Change can also cause different. The pirates have demonstrated how the party oligarchy disturbed and the existing structure can be shaken up.

The recently carried out abolition of the 5 -% - hurdle at European level could do their part to do so. When this outdated nonsense clause falls in this country? One author on online said: soon.

We will see. The next elections will definitely be.

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2 Responses to "From left-right-murderers, and the party's radicalism"

  • politropolis.de says:

    A good post, I can only confirm its contents. Who is the left to right, the conservatives matches left and not in a grid, is perhaps more important for the policy and positive for the development of society, as the conventional, interchangeable functionaries of the established parties. Until someone with common sense and commitment reaches a position in which he could make a difference, is of both mostly nothing left. It thankfully many people who have realized that. Unfortunately, so many are uninterested in politics, that they do not even use their right to vote, although now more on the list than are the usual suspects. And at the municipal election can be completely independent of party lists select those deemed suitable. "Discover the possibilities" ... Regards Udo


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