Time for the mind
Thomas Röttcher - Curriculum Vitae

On March 12, the World Day against Internet censorship, published "Reporters Without Borders" your story "Enemies of the Internet 2012". States were reanalyzed with massive online surveillance. Your results: Twelve are considered enemies of the Internet (namely Bahrain, Burma, China, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and Belarus), 14 more are under observation (Australia, Egypt, Eritrea, France, India, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Russia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates). In particular, France and Australia should make you listen.

Acquired understandably only direct forms of censorship, such as content filtering or General monitoring, usually by the authorities of the said countries.

The enemies of the Internet in 2012 (black in color) and in this regard under observation standing States, red in the picture (Source: Reporters Without Borders)

But censorship can be much more subtle. The press (not only politicians) can censor in which they specific issues and trends not discussed (Ignore). Or this is one side, argumentative transformed into its opposite or polemical than half truth to ridicule are (Diskretieren).

Censorship, however, can also be done by showing that perhaps the worst form of modification. Illustrative examples brings Moderator Raphaël Enthoven in his ARTE contribution "censorship", which is included at the end of the text (in this recommended series I had been elsewhere out).

Propaganda also works this way. Always popular is the use of false or manipulated image recordings to underline a certain, mostly political statement. The reader will make numerous recent examples on search engines locate. Recommended is at the opportunity startpage.com that well although accesses Google, but no stores IP addresses.

The most fatal of censorship is that the monitored if there is no escape from the situation, is conditioned in its new and "intimidation" surrounded the behavior, so will be the brave, adjusted citizens. A democracy that wants to function as such, can not and must not afford such a thing.

A follow-up article on Citizens 'Dressage' can be found on Konstantin alarm Portal "Behind the Headlines".


"Censorship" on ARTE (series "Philosophy", broadcast on 25 March 2012):

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