Archives for January 7th, 2012
In the middle of the nail-biter to the whole Geldleiherei and Diekmann's answering machine overtakes our head of state the next horror Message: He is in his time injured as Volkswagen's Supervisory Board duties have and now this stick (the curse of the accumulation of offices ...), with 1.8 billion Euronen. Billion, mind you, not millions!
Let's see how this is yet to beat. Maybe you will make Mr. Wulff next time for all the consequences of globalization, climate change, no, the increased solar activity, and the impending doom (after all, we are in the year 2012) responsible. I would not be surprised.
Somehow it seems not to make a few really fun , the much-maligned federal Presiding over tighten one right now. Read this story »