The comedian Roland Düringer (born 1963) held in early December in the Austrian television a speech that caused quite a bit of excitement. Düringer, for 22 years in the business, one in our neighboring country to the most famous of his profession. His works have won several awards.
In the dynamically rising "Wutrede", as they are known in this clarity and emotion with us most of Georg Schramm, he brings to the point what probably many Wutbürgern, Occupylern, dropouts, Politikverdrossenen, Info warriors and other outraged Aufbrüchlern on the soul burns. Listen for yourself:
To show displeasure and others wake up with it, perhaps even to infect, is one thing. This setting teeth on edge performance Düringers certainly has the potential. (Although she likes one or the other even scare.) Some, such as the constitutional lawyer Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider, see the resistance today even a civic duty.
On the other hand mountains dergleiche Wutreden the risk of a conflagration, which will then know to use flight as a welcome opportunity to further develop the "internal security" of the state and its servants. With the inevitable restriction of fundamental rights as a result ...
Citizens, however, remains silent, seem our democratic values of freedom with the desired "Europe at any cost" probably sooner or later also to go west - ESM & Co. can greet. A dilemma that simply can not be solved so seems.
This raises once again the question of how many of the hoped-for, long overdue system change can make wise and meaningful. Experienced experts it seems it already to give as a ARTE Post recently documented. At least for the peaceful revolution in totalitarian states.
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Do you know the videos of Prof. Dr. Veith?
For example, Revelation (2004) 01 ff. Most interesting !!! I myself am not religious.
best regards