Not at more insidious, but most obviously the belt-tightening in the Bundestag. No, unfortunately not what MPs salaries terms - the so-called diets take notwithstanding any economic situation to. Strangled is rather the thought and freedom of action of our elected officials, and for ever bolder in. These efforts go by the major parties - and their exuberant hubris.
That faction leader and other party officials scold those that differ for voting on the specified line, as happened when it comes to health care reform or the Mazedonieneinsatz the Bundeswehr was heard almost the parliamentary normality today. Particularly apparent in his time did Franz Müntefering (SPD), which evoked the "party discipline". For other parties, such as the Greens , there was just such controversies. From punish the "apostates" (z. B. By dropping in the nomination of candidates for the next federal election) to the expulsion from the party , and the range of intimidation practice.
So also with the thorny vote on euro rescue fund (EFSF) last Thursday. Some nonlinear faithful EFSF opponents had to listen to this in advance worst insults from its own ranks, even the veteran Wolfgang Bosbach (CDU) was able to experience this puzzled .
Meanwhile, is clearly regulated in the Basic Law: MPs "are representative of the whole people, not bound by orders or instructions, and only to their conscience" (Article 38, para. 1).
In the said vote the dissenters should, so the demand of the party leaders, no question be allowed. Bundestag President Norbert Lammert (CDU) became (at this time still?) Over it and gave two "renegades" the word, which he promptly brought considerable criticism. Volker Beck, parliamentary secretary of the Greens, was outraged about it even as a monstrous process .
Not to mention that Lammert legally acted within the Rules of Procedure of the Bundestag, but one can only marvel at what's going on here:
If one wishes for no more debates? Which function should then meet the Parliament nor? The Bundestag as self-presentation platform prefabricated unit opinions? As staged political soap opera?
It almost seems, and the votes were the parties basically annoying.
If one wants to ever have democracy?
Are we quietly reached in one party dictatorship? In a "Abnickherrschaft" of self-similar party-political blocs, which differentiate into their program barely, with quasi-mafia methods and pliant deputies puppets? Democracy as a farce - Germany on the way to a new one-party state?
Not again!
What we need, perhaps now more than ever, are representatives of the people with personality. Those who think outside the box. The if necessary put in their decisions, courageously against a majority, sometimes defy headwind and not buckle on each Stürmchen.
In short: We need dissenters. Much more deviants. "Deviants" are guarantors of democracy and of what is still left of it.
The vote on the bailout was a roll-call, no secret. Who voted like, so is transparent. Below I have pointed out those who voted against the party directive (Source: German Federal Parliament ). Their names should be memorized:
- 10 Members of the CDU / CSU: Wolfgang Bosbach, Thomas Doerflinger, Herbert Franken Hauser, Alexander Funk, Peter Gauweiler, Josef Göppel, Manfred Kolbe, Carsten Linnemann, Thomas Silberhorn, Klaus-Peter Willsch
- 1 Member of the SPD: Wolfgang Gunkel
- 3 members of the FDP: Jens Ackermann, Frank Schaeffler, Torsten Heiko Staffeldt
- 1 representative of the Green: Hans-Christian Ströbele
In the Left voted all 70 deputies - true to the party line - on the other hand.
A timid form of "protest", namely, the abstention, voted Veronika Bellmann (CDU), Ottmar Schreiner (SPD) and Sylvia Canel (FDP).
Furthermore remained nine MPs from the remote session (Ulla Burchardt, Wilhelm Pries Meier, Waltraud Wolff - all SPD - and six deputies of the Left): so you can of course also benefit from the affair. What are the reasons they had for this remains to be seen. From the absence of responsibility begets not anyway, just with a vote on such a weighty topic.
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Cheers to Ablenkung`s show. They would have to shout loudly and long before the conclusion of the contract for reinforcements and other.
The child has fallen into the well, "Behold, I was still in the running"