Time for the mind
Thomas Röttcher - Curriculum Vitae

Since last Sunday, the media interest in the Pirate Party has potentiated scary. Previously, she was still overlooked as a small party as much as possible, sometimes even scorned or ridiculed. Since the pirates are fed with 8.9% of the vote in the Berlin House of Representatives, and the same with all 15 candidates , things look different. The new faces including biographies go through the press. Even on talk shows the "network privateer" have become popular.

The Berlin election was the first major success since the founding of the Pirate Party in 2006, we see times on various local elections. But why the sudden rush of voters? Was it the increased campaign advertising in advance? Or is it (late) fruits of the rapid increase in membership (now around 12,000, which makes it the seventh largest pirate party behind the Greens)? Or was the whole time just ripe?

Anyway: It was a smart move by the pirates, take the basic income and direct democracy in their party program. For they have combined three major stakeholders, namely on the one hand those who are motivated by the desire for self-determination (power Liberty), the second those who aspire participation by more (political) and, finally, those who a basic security beyond the degrading Hartz IV wish. About this "awakening movement" I was also in the interview that the "Violet" recently led me says.

Despite "grassroots" and initial monothematicism: To describe the pirates as "offspring" of the Greens, I think is wrong. The Greens had, to my knowledge never used in the measurements for civil rights - and today the same no more. Sure, the deputies newcomers must - like the Greens at the time also - yet to learn how the policy works great. And of course, there is also at this party the risk of infiltration that corrupts, is bent by the system or in the course of time loses their current values ​​from the eyes.

But the opportunities outweigh Instead bashing the young party, you should instead strengthen their idealism. Finally now a new party has managed the 5 percent hurdle, that hurdle, which previously "protected" the established parties of change and competition. Now it gets serious. After all, the new "rob" the old residents 15 seats. In other words, 15 unused are new to the game.

Fears what these "anarchists", "nerds" and "geeks" everything could wreak mischief if they are left only to power, but are entirely unfounded. They are accused, they had no program in terms of the economy and its crisis. Let's be honest: Better no program as a senseless. The pirates are but anyway far away from being a ruling party. But it is good that they have a voice now and be heard. And where it comes to their basic skills, ie in terms of privacy, anti-surveillance, anti-censorship, etc. In the Berlin House of Representatives now sitting 15 "informants" - and that can be no error in any case.

And it is a signal: When the Pirate Party in Sweden within a very short time grew to over 50,000 members, this intimidated the leaders of a such a way that they themselves began to address those issues. So we abandoned it in 2010, among other things, a law to adopt data retention, out of fear of the Pirate Party .

We can be thrilled that waves "the boarding of the Berlin House" is still beating, especially in advance look at the upcoming federal election.

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7 Comments on "Why the Pirates belong in the House of Representatives - not only in Berlin"

  • sadhu says:


    beautiful ... I like her ... text. I would rather go there even more ... just the lack of such programs by trained party the sole to have meaningful disempowering the citizen includes the chance for a change. ...
    the plausible explanations of political gutschwätzer have us a soup brewed the nobody dares to spoon ...
    I expect the pirates to adjoining for a change which is so long overdue

  • Lux says:

    So far I have heard nothing more of the pirates as phrases.
    A clear and multifaceted party program of this party, I do not know.
    I am very skeptical about this party, because I can see only political daydreamer in it.

    As for the Greens - and I'm guaranteed no sympathizer of this Mischpoke - so these were very well used for civil rights. By the year 1991, when Fischer, Cohn-Bendit & Co. makes in the party completely took over.
    One should not compare with the Greens prior to 1991 the pirates. This would do the Greens from the initial phase of this party wrong. For the Greens had politically experienced people or their officials had boast political expertise. This is not the case with the majority of pirates.

    To conclude with the words of Brecht:
    Now we have to stick another fifteen sows at the trough. Whether they are worth the taxpayer's money, time will tell.

  • Even thinker says:

    I guess so about just before the next federal election
    they have been bought by the Bilderbergers.
    Before that PIRATE were infiltrated by the intelligence.
    This new "flow" that cares about civil rights and democracy, is only a hindrance to the global power elite. It is the rapid construction of the NWO even in the way. Therefore, they must be "channeled" accordingly (this "newfangled motion").
    Until then, the motto is: bread and circuses.

  • Dr. Klaus Miehling says:

    Is there not think that this party is named after felons?
    What these people want is anarchy: Unlimited freedom - and they overlook the fact that the freedom of one is the lack of freedom of others. We still need more laws to protect the rights of every individual, and we need a strong state that can enforce compliance with these laws and wants.
    The established parties have always further driven into the state debt, worked on the decline in values ​​and the erosion of legal consciousness. The "pirates" would not do it differently, but the same; only more consistently.
    Yes, we need new parties who are able to solve our problems. Maybe we need a new democratic system that does not require parties. But the "pirates" we do not need.

  • sadhu says:

    Ramram mr Miehling

    well said ... as they have of course in a sense, right ... raises the question what does the human being in reality. ... when we have found it a real answer ... we have it behind us. ... until then, we need every now and then indicators in the form of bushens Merkel papstens and of course the pirates ... who are far less felon in my eyes as like us very prestigious zetigenossen example, a gentleman ackermann ... schaun what's coming ... times each behold what in individual can contribute to a better tomorrow ... a beautiful evening

  • Erich Goergen says:

    Fresh wind in the Berlin House of Representatives!

    Good thing! Colourless and listless most politicians drag through the day. Already everything and knowing better, speculating on the next chance for moving up. Thus, cliques are created, maintained and sometimes cursed. The big bang may be never thought or intended. Where to go, says the party. Actually, everything is already pre-thought. New is not only pointless, it actually interferes with the circles. This behavior is dangerous and should not be possible.

    Because this is already long so fresh wind into the Berlin House of Representatives and really "new" needs (which are currently the pirates) there!

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