Done even signs and wonders? Traces here just a change? Or is it just a concatenation happy "accidents"?
Leafing through this week's Focus issue anyway, I had the same amazed several times. It starts with the title image: Stands there but actually "ME - The best medicine in the world" and the subtitle: "The miracle of self-healing". Ten pages dedicated editors in the inner part of this focus, which ends with a kind of summary, which says: "The new soul medicine". In Focus mind you. I beg your pardon?
Until not too long ago still had Focus, Spiegel & Co. only contempt, if not ridicule, but at least polemic left for everything that moves beyond the conventionality. Have I slept?
On page 52, the former equality hereby authorize ("Stop finally the gender apartheid") two sides makes about the gender nonsense air, further comes a plea for a radical defense of the diversity of peoples ("Protect Freedom"). Good, both posts will appear in the "debate", which probably (still) need the sheet maker as a protective shield for their own alienation. But still ... Now if an expediency?
Continued on page 62: In a multi-page article about the run on hard exploitable natural gas resources will focus on the risks of this Exploitationstechniken reported ("fracking", cf. zeitgeist post in this topic ). Then on the double page 106/107: There readers the technical terms related to the "Euro-rescue" such as Haircut be explained. Amazing. Even Max Otte (Author of "The Crash Is Coming" , published in 2006), recently scolded yet, get a whole page for its position (104).
Finds here indeed a rethink? Or you have only detected in the large publishing houses that "Alternativsein" is not only become acceptable, but even coal can be earned with it? Or you are afraid that more reader could jump?
Anyway: If now the mainstream is suddenly alternatively, what role then comes the traditional alternative media to the future?
The answer is obvious: experience and overview will be in demand. Also, the deeper knowledge of relationships. Constructively critical supervision. A "power steering" so to speak, in the service of the millions of readers who are served by the mass media.
A smile I can not resist yet. For all the reels are now exchanged in everything.
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Hello Mr. Röttcher,
I am currently doing the same observation, but draws different conclusions.
It will be well now risen to advertisers that advertising that does not reach the recipient, is useless.
Magazines no information, just find no more widespread.
Consequently, it takes the forced confrontation with -etwas- more critical reporting in purchasing.
An objective examination of eg BRD status, EU breach of contract, Libya, Israel, Palestine, monetary system, etc. it will not happen.
Greeting - Ben
People understand but do not know what is written there and that the 'alternative' is at once the only think:
'Ah, ok, a little criticism in a rubric "debate", this is the also there'
These are the real news and the rest of the book is nonsense, because not penetrate through ... .Unfortunately.
Flat, the world is flat, I tell you ... ..and the magazines are selling like crazy. ...