Time for the mind
Thomas Röttcher - Curriculum Vitae

Many people wonder in these times: a new war, a world war at all, which could also capture us? Something, it seems, is in the air. The United States mobilize, to read . Long ago we found ourselves in the midst of a new Cold War, even though this would not accompanied medially as open as before Glasnost and the fall of the Berlin Wall. But who or what it actually applies to combat? Is there a threat?

What can, what should we believe? There is a lack of transparency. That which is announced through official (governmental) channels is, in principle, be doubted. The white one, since it became known as the world public has been deceived propaganda in the past with "false flag operations". Pearl Harbour and Hitler's invasion of Poland were taken as a proxy. Many expect the September 11 to do so.

On the Internet there are a number of votes and comments from experts and those who want to be there. Opinions, which applies equally to distinguish it from "duck". More information on this but can also increase the fear. Some become depressed if the constant horror stories, which often originate also the Blogger landscape.

Nevertheless, there was never so much insight into political backgrounds. And never before has there been so much dedicated work for peace in the broadest sense - Thanks courageous role models. There is, parallel to the dull fear of war, just a kind of optimism. Departure towards a different interaction. An environment characterized by reason together.

The Russians call with the recent economic agreements now more Germany and Europe - and thus by the Chinese from. How China will react? And what about the USA? Will they increasingly isolate with its warmongering in the world? Where is positioned Israel? And where Iran and North Korea, beyond all (atomic) threats? The fronts seem less clear than ever.

But war? For what reasons though? Because governments or military think they have to prove "strength"? For strategic reasons? Because ethnic groups raise territorial claims? Because religious leaders believe "liberate" the world from companies or other faiths to have? From other reasonable emotionality out how revenge and hatred? Or because raw materials seem to be scarce? Because the gun lobby still want to earn more money? Because capitalism always needs a total destruction, to maintain its dominance? Is there one, only one sensible reason for war?

Fits this I came across a quote from the early Churchill, whose words of warning - the British patriotism and the controversial figure of the late Prime Minister again leaving out of account - have lost none of Aktualiät:

"It 'may be the human race is doomed did, never to learn from its mistakes. We are the only animals on this globe who Periodically set out to slaughter each other for the best, the noblest, the most inescapable of Reasons. We know better. But we do it again and again in generation after generation. "

This passage, as part of a speech to the House of Commons of the British Parliament, comes from the classic 1972 feature film "Young Winston" (original title: "Young Winston"). The post-rock band "Maybeshewill" has excerpts from it - along with a clipping from the also recommended film "Good Night, and Good Luck" musically touching staged - (USA 2005):

We humans need it due to our forgetfulness, to be again and again touches the heart. Only then probably get reason a future of which we can build.

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