Time for the mind
Thomas Röttcher - Curriculum Vitae

On Hartgeld.com today got the circulating for a while now rumored tailwind, this coming long weekend was imminent currency reform, specifically the reintroduction of DM. The operator of the site, Walter K. WKE, had beforehand been at various points (eg in the outdoors generally) pointed to the impending cash changeover and strongly advised to purchase precious metals.

The alleged "Haircut" scenario sees summarized as follows: The D-Mark-2 notes were printed for months. They are supposed to be provided with RFID chips and scannable. The change successes to 1,000 euros in the ratio of 1: 1 for DM; Savings would be redirected to blocked accounts, where they will expire. Debt you would leave in euros, which would then be tied by the decline of the Euro. The banks had allegedly get delivered the new money today. Large retail chains had been informed two weeks ago about the conversion (According to another source, they are to be inaugurated Friday evening). On Monday could then lift each 100 DM. The entire conversion would last two weeks.

Furthermore rumored to a new cell phone have been spotted, in which you can pay with DM, and at a price-News broker the DM appears suddenly (?) As its currency. From other sources has been brought to me, in Bavaria, the price would be at some gas stations already awarded in DM ... Can we trust him?

But the much more crucial question is: What speaks against short-term currency conversion?

  1. The euro has been installed with great difficulty as a pan-European currency. So why give up so easily it again? That would amount to an admission of failure of a common European policy equal.
  2. There are currently great efforts to save the euro. After Greece package should now also come for the rest of the PIIGS countries.
  3. Today was decided by the European Commission, Estonia be incorporated into the euro zone from 2011. Why do that when Germany at the weekend "gets out" and the euro this would end? White as a hand really not know what the other is doing?
  4. The current reporting Hartgeld.com based on a windy source (entry in an English-speaking forum).
  5. The Federal Statistical Office had reported in the past few days an inflation rate of just one percent. No sign of excessive inflation, let alone runaway inflation.
  6. The markets, the economy as well as the retail sector behave more or less discreetly, the funds from the recent "bailouts" (and for some time past scrappage scheme) have not yet reached the normality of everyday life in their public finance implications. So why such a hurry?
  7. A short-term currency changeover in this country would be a Bankenrun have the effect - with the risk of a stampede. If one wants to provoke no real emergency?
  8. It could threaten riots and uprisings as seen from Greece or recently also from Ireland knows what could lead to a destabilization of the balance of power. This would be determined not risk voluntarily by the government and others in leadership positions.
  9. A reintroduction of the D-Mark would without simultaneous reintroduction of other European currencies (such francs, lire, pesetas, etc.) anything but meaningful, since the outstanding amounts of euro cash would simply output neighboring countries.

I have taken the trouble and this afternoon called in the press office of the Deutsche Bundesbank. On the topic of D-Mark-2 (I was asked immediately after Hartgeld.com) wanted to "On the Record" not comment on what I can understand perfectly. It was interesting, however, that I (the other person was a zeitgeist correspondent) to 16Uhr30, shortly before the official closing time, the second was the first who called there! Where is the sustainability and balance in the search for my journalist colleagues?

Knowledge you should at this point that Hartgeld.com on your website also conveys Gold deals and offers from quite high charges appropriate training. Nevertheless, I would like the operators assume no deliberately manipulative or even deception.

Could it not rather be that Mr. Eichelburg itself exploited? That one tried by deliberate disinformation to make highly frequented alternative information sources such as Hartgeld.com madig to damage their credibility when next Monday, the euro still exists?

We'll know soon.

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41 Responses to "9 reasons not to" D-Mark-2 ""

  • Timo says:

    I can imagine very well that such actions are controlled directly and specifically to prevent in the current uncertain environment, a vorrausichtliches collapse of consumption in order to stifle quasi cyclical adverse developments in the bud and always to keep the masses in a consumer supportive mood.

    That will certainly be delayed again only the system collapse slightly.

    But after all, you have more time to think.

  • Honigmann says:


    All 9 points can I refute you with the appropriate background knowledge - all -.

    If you would like, however, until tomorrow ....


  • Alf says:

    You do not really 700 mille any lol make a difference ...

  • pit super says:

    Incidentally, it is true that in the stores no longer stands euro this but only a number !!!

  • Thomas Röttcher says:

    Hello Honigmann,
    With pleasure, I'm curious. At the latest on Monday comes the day of reckoning ;-)

  • WannaBe says:

    It may be that there are reasons that "currently" militate against the introduction of the D-Mark II. Need for discussion in my view, only the date of introduction is! It is obvious that a change must take place and will find!
    Would the German Bundesbank such information contact, what would happen?
    Had the banks pay out in a position every citizen, if a panic breaks out?
    On the subject of Gold offers I want to even make people aware that the sale for gold products higher prices achieved which are far above the price of gold! (Already since 2008 !!) Who deals with the subject, of course tried to prevent and pay any price. Every man for himself and his own fortune! All the excitement is really only that one should not rely on the state and needs to make his own Vorbeugungsmasnahmen.
    Are there any of the Bundesbank a written statement? How much is one that nowadays still on the phone when it is not made in writing and without a signature?
    What brings me to go if I flutes 90% of my savings at the end of a telephone information?
    Why you take at the Bundesbank to any concrete position and there website out that a changeover is completely excluded?
    Who hangs next to the chest of BRD Italy, Spain or Portugal? Had the Spaniards not weeks ago a message given out that they need 200 billion euros? Why this message was then withdrawn suddenly?

    There are thousands of questions, but only one which provides me personally, I can rely on the statements of other people, or rather I bow before and go to number protect safe for my deposit !!!!

  • Bernd says:


    Well, first I want to give some legal Honigmann: The fall of a monetary system is less dependent on external events which are enumerated in this 9 arguments, but mainly depends on how is the intrinsic value of the monetary system.

    On a couple of arguments I want to go again:

    1. "The Federal Statistical Office had reported in the past few days an inflation rate of just one percent."

    Everyone should be clear that the Federal Statistical Office is a political authority as subordinated authority of the Federal Minister of the Interior, which publishes political data. Anyone who thinks that the "inflation" of 1 vote, which is to deal with the investigations of Professor Brachinger which should time his wife or mother to ask how she feels inflation ... if enough money ... (who says on the site, it lacked representativeness who likes to dream the beautiful Germany).

    2. "Will you provoke no real need?"

    I am appalled at the naivete of this movement! The countries of Europe is the water up to my neck and I read here "unnecessarily"! In this category, "Why such a hurry?" And the alleged counter-argument matches

    3. "There could riots and uprisings threaten how from Greece ..."

    Davor had MI5 and the VIA warned several months ago! To date, no country has been spared to make the state power occur against insurgents ... but one should really ask again why the CDU so vehemently want the Bundeswehr mission in the interior!

    4. "I have taken the trouble and this afternoon called in the press office of the Deutsche Bundesbank."

    This is truly commendable - without irony! But do you really think you would get an information that would make an impact in Germany?

    About a one should be clear: there would be a currency conversion, then this highly confidential "VS strictly confidential - only for internal use -" would expire. Anything else would be harebrained.

    5. "Where is the sustainability and balance in the search for my journalist colleagues?"

    Do you believe in Santa Claus? Journalists quality? Why is discussed violently that the editorial policy determines the quality of journalism?


    Each statement always contains a, scientifically speaking, certain probability. I myself am also rather skeptical, I estimated the probability of realization on 30 percent and would point out that you may particularly look at the euro-dollar exchange rate. Probably even more reliable would be observed or indirectly acting derivatives, the put / call ratio.

  • Honigmann says:

    ... I do not even leave my comment on that, because it

    @ Wannaße and
    @ Bernd

    very well have explanatory, all respect.

    Whether now at 16.5. or at 23.5, the way both Kabbalah -. numbers, do something with the currency, or later, does not matter.
    One thing is certain - it will change something and indeed so powerful, but we will not be able to estimate it today, which brings us to the so-called bottom of the facts..

    The fun and games and fun time is likely to be over.

    People should and must make it clear that one could believe an institution.

    They all play in the "game" with in order to obtain their respective little power - especially the controlled mainstream media -zumal a powerful group in almost every area has the say.

    Most in the "game" is informer and traitor - you need only the so-called to look at GG that SHAEF laws that HKO, and Lisbon treaties and more..

    See also, among other things here:

    ... And read up.

    The Honigmann and a pleasant "Father's Day"

  • Magnus Göller says:

    I wonder how the people who swear by gold and simultaneously assume a breakdown of public order, want to do with their precious little when it comes that way.

    Even if the crumbling state power these people leaves the gold, in the event but anyone who shows up somewhere with gold and without twenty heavily armed bodyguards, are provided with a free escort home to fetch the rest.

    The thing about the gold has been thought already not right for me on those grounds alone.

    While silver is also popular, but can nevertheless be mitegführt in small denominations so that you can thus buy a bacon string without arousing suspicion immediately ...

    For the rest, all those who sold in recent years gold or silver, to quadrupling of the price made at a tripling a huge section and, if wisely so hardly acquired in the price increase in material goods (from the solid footwear on durable supplies to the property) and are so far at least the foreseeable for me winning the crisis.

    PS: I put a bottle of Sauternes that the euro on Monday still stands: the bet is valid until 18:00 tomorrow night. Mr. Eichelburg is because probably need to apply the "Witness Jehovah trick" to tell his believers, which is why the doomsday has been postponed for now. In his rhetoric, I am pleased as linguists already especially, as well as to those of his bedröppelten apostates (but are probably not so much to say) and staunch apologists; of course the ridicule of those who did not follow him and laugh out loud.

    See also post: http://www.unzensiert.zeitgeist-online.de/2010/05/13/d-mark-2-macht-das-pfund-fertig/

  • Thomas Röttcher says:

    @ Bernd:

    First of all thank you for the effort you have made with your comment. Mir are your counterarguments known to whom I would like to still say a few words.

    In fact, the representativeness of the basket of the Federal Statistical Office is questioning note. However, the number of out says a tendency to last year and the previous month. From your words, I understand that you schedule the inflation felt higher. How much higher then? Watch an above-average inflation? And how this fits then the alleged deflation, in which we (still) find ourselves to-date?

    "Unnecessarily" and "such a hurry" refers to the situation in Germany from the perspective of those in power. The bulk of the sheep in this country is still in deep sleep, which is probably undeniable. The NRW elections have recently confirmed this.

    For Civil War scenario: Let's stay on the floor. We still live in a democracy. I want this to recommend the article "panic attacks" by Egon W. Kreutzer: http://www.egon-w-kreutzer.de/

    And on the subject of "balanced research": I close firmly from your words that you have probably never even asked to be the blog operators to authorities. You'll be amazed what you get because everything of information, as long as you reason with the people. I wrote in my post therefore explicitly "On the Record". Reading between the lines so there is something else entirely.

    With fellow journalists I did not mean those of the mainstream media, no rather those who believe by itself, to be in possession of the truth and deal with their responsibilities as outlined horror scenarios publicist (also bloggers are journalists!) Are apparently not really aware. Thoughtless Publish and speculation can bring a cascade of - the mechanism of mass psychology I probably do not explain further here. I suspect that a collapse in some of the "scene" would be all right if I look at me some comments (see on Hartgeld.com: "time for the bubbly"). Toast to a possible crash?

    I beg you to another contribution to his heart legen: https://editor.zeitgeist-online.de/2010/04/15/verantwortungsbewusst-oder-selbst-manipulativ-uber-die-rolle-der-alternativen-medien-in-der-heutigen-zeit/

    I would have liked even know what the "inner" are criteria for you, which should lead to the overthrow of a monetary system. And as these "intrinsic value", as you call him, made himself a Reform will conduct.

  • WannaBe says:

    @ Magnus

    Even gold there in the form of coins, jewelry and ingots as early as 10g. As you write you might think someone would have in his backyard a mountain of gold stand from which he cuts down depending on the Brocken! Personally, I would rather eat exchanged for gold instead of walking shoes! I think by our affluent times, we've probably all enough clothes and luxury goods! I need to accumulate no wealth, but to have at least a few coins to the possibility of being able to exchange something!

    Which, of course the best solution would be to buy gold to register and to deposit it in the locker, the state is indeed not entitled to leave open to them in the bank!

    I would also like to get rid of me, that to me on Monday on the highway (FFM) have encountered each 3 Armored Transporter in green / beige, with a police escort, each 5 vehicles with flashing lights! Until I read the article yesterday, I had about made me worry, but it was a little rare for me !! image It would indeed confirm the theory that will be printed in Frankfurt for weeks! Daily I could not but bacon strings were there determined not there. :-)

    It would be nice if we could run the next day a little more attentively our environment and the things write down here the notice to us, for example, if on Sunday the supermarkets are open etc.

  • Zack says:

    That's tearing the hair. Employed always and everywhere one reads of "saving the euro".
    Apparently no one is able recognize what is the goal behind the Euro-spinning.
    With the introduction of this bill currency all states involved have given their full sovereignty. The who does not control the money, control anything! But why z. B. not GB? The already knew why.
    And then with the help of a willing lackey; in normal usage also called "politicians"; ensured that the debts grow unaufhöhrlich. Citizens is supposed to counteract in order to constantly asked anew to checkout. Until, yes can say until no one: "I have something else."
    Until our Staatsssystem only consists of debt. Until no one has something to control!
    And where does all that money? For banks! Again and again and in many different ways! May the detours even be so convoluted and confusing, ultimately there is any bill in a bank vault again!

    Who came up with the this whole system? Banker!
    And those are only inventive, if they can earn.
    "Saving the euro"! I laugh my head off! I predict times: these so-called rescue package with but hundreds of billions will be needed rather soon. Banks give these loans! And whoosh, off it! Where does the money for Greece? Yes, exactly, to the creditors! And they are? Exactly: Banker!
    At an emergency no one is interested. The euro has been created only for to abolish the Souverenitäten of individual nations and drive them into total dependence. To realize this, one has to be a business expert. One only has time open your eyes and look at the development in recent years. And if you then projected this development in the near future you know automatically what to expect the people!
    Rescue? HAHAHAHAHA!
    I wish you now a "good night"!
    When you finally wakes up, it will be too late!

  • Magnus Göller says:

    @ WannaBe

    I do not quite know whether a bank is the right place where to store his gold ...

    And laws are, as agreements, known there to be broken or changed, especially when the state itself is to stick to it, see now until the Lisbon Treaty, not mutually responsible, according to which the euro zone countries for their solvency are.

  • WannaBe says:

    That with the bank was pure irony. :-)

  • Magnus Göller says:

    @ WannaBe

    Excuse me, I probably slept ...

  • WannaBe says:


    I find the ticker very interesting, also the data and the scope! Accident?

  • Gert Schmidt says:

    To test probabilities of a scenario, it is useful to know the trend. In the present case it is so that the interaction between the news situation and the actual events on the foreign exchange, bond, precious metals and stock markets is unusual.

    Walter Eichelburg these markets can not influence - and yet they move as they would amount to a euro crash.

    Too quiet, the ECB / Bundesbank behaved in recent weeks, particularly in the run-up to the 750 billion euro package. You should have what happens in the markets or comment. Instead, there was only general statements without details.

    Under such circumstances, even as the night and fog action arose the Eurogroup, confidence in the policy will be made sensitive in the central bank and in the euro.

    Money = confidence

    Probably the truth of actual Verhälnisse is so dramatic that they do not pronounce the decision open. Take lost confidence in buying, because the truth would have uncontrollable consequences, if necessary.

    From a temporary shortage in the money market (2007) a full-blown systemic crisis has become. This is a trend that could be extrapolated into the direction of a Eichelburg'schen scenarios - especially as a systemic crisis was 2007ff that denies with big words.

    Since the beginning of the financial crisis information is withheld and chaotic conditions glossed over.

    In this respect, the decision-makers there have only themselves to blame themselves when to meet them suggests mistrust and develop new trends out of the mainstream.

    The threat to the proper functioning of the democracies in Europe is growing.

  • Antonitsch says:

    I am for many years Forex traders and anything but unsuccessfully. Of course, I constantly analyze and interpret the lessons from the behavior of investors, as stock market success min. Based on psychology half.
    The price development after the adoption of the rescue package gives me more than just thinking.
    I want to explain this briefly:
    Stock prices reflect expectations, hopes, fears and frustrations of the investors. On the stock markets important economic news to be oversensitive incorporated by breakouts. Bad news make the courses fall sharply, good news, they can rise sharply in order afterwards to recover in the jew. Opposite direction. The adoption of the aid package was certainly a serious decision / message for the Forex. The course then submitted to IPO in on Monday night a due-Up Gap back and shot from about 1.27 to about 1.31 up to high. Normally, investors draw from these news courage and get long in the euro a. Although one could assume that this gap is closed by the return rates again there, but they should drive north to record and resume afterwards. This was not so, so, for example EUR / USD verg in. Night even the 1.25 testing. Could one deduce that the euro continues massively by institutional investors (such as banks) will be sold, which have the necessary inside knowledge?
    This price action suggests my opinion to exercise extreme caution! I want with this Intertretation but also a little polarize and thought-provoking. For me it is not a question of whether a new currency is already in the vaults of the Central Bank. For me, the question arises as to when this money finds its way to the population. Many a forex trader also has good informants eg at Bundesdruckerei ...

  • Wursti says:

    A little tip for all who believe in the supermarket because the euro in the price fail now comes the big monetary reform:

    Google and call any retailer with search word "prospectus" and one year of state. eg "Lidl 2007 Prospectus"

    Since then one finds heaps eg something like:
    From the year 2007 Price without Euro mark.

    Ergo: The euro sign is easily unsexy in prospectuses makers, everyone knows that the price in euros is to be paid, for years the Euro sign is omitted when price in advertising ...

  • steuerboykott.org says:

    Before a change of power there will be no new German mark, DM2 or any other own currency of the Germans. Although WE know a lot about the economy, but little about geopolitics, history and the distribution of power in the world.

    The FRG politicians will never make a decision that is for the German people an advantage and therefore to the detriment of its occupiers.

    The puppets in the FRG government have the task of the German labor force, plunder their engineering and their inventiveness for monetary rulers. This is the same principle, which is incidentally also applied to the resources of Iraq, in Afghanistan and in many other countries formerly sovereign and probably soon in Iran.

    And therefore there will be no new DM. Not so long still 70,000 US soldiers are stationed on German soil and the German Gold is in the hands of the New York Mafia money.

    To be able to predict the actions of our politicians, we must take into account all levels of the story, including the monetary history, economic history and the geopolitics of power brokers in the background. And from all this I conclude that the next event, that will come, will have something to do with the expropriation of German savers and not the fact that the Germans get anything back, let alone own currency.

    That the Germans again get its own currency, I think is just as likely as that New York was attacked by Arab terrorists.

  • Antonia says:

    WKE visited the same as I Puff (http://www.eventszene.at/location/queen-club?en_id=176545,
    see Him as 1x per week). Have a conversation with him myself because he actually believes that the WF is imminent. Its source in the German government is reportedly very credible. Merkel has already disempowered and resigns soon.

    He is a poor INMO sausage, he has a lot of gold but no friends.

  • Tobias says:

    Good Morning!
    So much nonsense I've really rarely read! In brochures are no Euro character ... phew ... man man man, there will certainly be yes what planned and ALDI & Co. are privy ever! Or: yesterday I saw an armored car and 5 escort vehicles, the print for days! Clear! In the Bundesbank here around the corner Every month as a Panzerbus with an escort, but we have therefore already DMark 2!
    Do you seriously kick the EURO ???? Nothing will happen! And this whole discussion just because some bird he thinks know something! I can really only laugh! Yes, the certainly has chatted with the chef from the Bundesbank and canteen but that's it!

  • WannaBe says:

    So first find it laughable in the press read by Ackermann's statement in his TV appearance, investors would now repel the Euro! I think not much of it, but that's why to twist facts? Well! So Aha major investors listen to bankers, the gamble is often times? In addition, the Euro even support purchases drops already since 2 weeks (100 billion ECB, Switzerland etc.) could not change that! Why throwing lately with such billions around as if it were nothing? Mir is quite suspicious!

    What you hear in the political arena? Especially of the SPD and Left? They're normally always right up there when you can jump on a moving train to practice in government criticism? To me it is in the center definitely too quiet for our circumstances.

    @ Tax boycott
    The discussion whether a currency reform comes running out exactly to your last forecast, the collapse of the savings and the expropriation of the citizen that's what you go and not that a German gets his DM!

    The system will collapse, you have the whole time so consider eventually every state comes to a point where it no longer goes uphill, no more growth is there, and so it goes on you have to reset the system and start all over again!

    I'm missing to believe the naivety that nothing will come and you try to save the euro by all means! I have last week the stock market observed very intense, and I find it very striking that shoot the institutions have the necessary inside knowledge of the Euro!

    If in the coming days weeks again reignite the debate in the Bundestag, deploy the army in the interior, then we may well reach 75% assume that's countdown ... Whatever ...!

  • Nooby says:

    hi, other curiosities here in this post !!

    HOW SO? has the Wall Sreet, the franc on the market!?!?!?!


    Check out this link at times, really interesting, also the Comment from Wall Street analysts by N-TV !!

    LG, the Nooby ^^

  • WannaBe says:

    The Franz. Francesco is advertised for weeks. At least according to rumors, but sometimes interesting to see it for yourself!
    But many are now saying that is a display error which is of course for weeks / months back! There are of course also traded currencies not in Franc, which stands there just for fun !! [Irony]
    Of course, we are also not stepped down in the next few days / weeks of the rating agencies. No, no, everything remains as it is and operates under control! [Irony]
    Ich habe verschiedene Foren gelesen und finde es immer wieder interessant, dass die User auf Leute hören die alles verharmlosen indem sie sagen es kann und wird nichts passieren. Wenn man die Quelle mal durchleuchtet wird man feststellen, dass es die Autoren Eu-Papiere verkaufen, die sie natürlich auch los werden wollen! :-)
    Aber hey der optimismus liegt in der Naivität sich zu verlassen, denn wer sich verlässt wird verlassen!! Daher bleibe ich einfach realistisch und gehe vom schlimmsten aus, es bewahrt mich zumindest davor nicht tiefer zu fallen als die Optimisten!

  • Marcus sagt:


    eins gleich zu beginn: die DM2 ist ganz gehöriger unfug und wird nicht passieren.

    warum aber wird darüber gesprochen? nun, nehmen wir einmal an es wäre so, dass die DM2 kommen würde. was wäre in diesem falle eine vorausschauende handlung für sparer? zb geld in gold investieren.
    zu beachten ist dabei allerdings, dass der goldpreis gerade in einer blase explodiert. jeder der sich auf die panikmache einlässt und gerade jetzt noch gold kauft, darf nach der geplatzten immobilienblase gleich die nächste blase mitnehmen und bezahlen. ich weis nicht wie weit der goldpreis noch steigt, aber er wird schneller abstürzen als die meisten reagieren wollen. klar, gold ist schon eine gewisse sicherheit.. immerhin wird es nie “nichts” mehr wert sein. aber dennoch werden durch diese gerüchte und panikmache verunsicherte sparer dazu getrieben derzeit überteuertes gold zu kaufen. ebenso gerüchte über verfügbarkeitsengpässe von gold (anderes thema.. und auch wieder panikmache) schürt die nachfrage unter verunsicherten. der preis steigt so lange weiter bis strippenzieher meinen genug verdient zu haben und ihrerseits das gold zu hochpreisen verkaufen -> preis stürzt ab -> verlierer sind diejenigen die in die blase eingestiegen sind.

    in der vergangenen immobilienblase waren es gewinnversprechen die die leute haben einsteigen lassen.
    in der jetzigen goldblase ist es sicherheitsversprechen die die leute einsteigen lassen.

    meine empfehlung, nicht verrückt machen.. einfach mal den fernseher und radio ausschalten und ein gutes buch lesen.

    europa hat genügend material um die krise zu überstehen.. jetzt müssen nur die köpfe noch auch mitmachen und nicht in panik geraten ;)

    euer beruhigter marcus
    ps. hoffe die beruhigung steckt etwas an

  • Elga sagt:

    Mir fällt noch ein zehnter Grund gegen die Währungsreform ein. Bei einem kurzen Blick auf die Vermögensverteilung wird klar, die ganz oben in der Statistik haben den Großteil der Vermögenswerte unter ihrer Kontrolle. Eine Währungsreform würde große Verluste für die herrschenden Kreise bedeuten.

    Staatsinsolvenzen sind in den meisten Fällen mit unwägbaren gesellschaftlichen Umwälzungen verbunden. Besondere Risiken bestehen bei Umstürzen für etablierte herrschende Kreise.

  • Frank sagt:

    “Eine Währungsreform würde große Verluste für die herrschenden Kreise bedeuten.”

    Wo haben denn die “Oberen Zehntausend” Ihr Vermögen? Natürlich nicht auf dem Sparbuch, wie der gemeine Deutsche Michel!
    Diese Herrschaften haben sich für Ihr Geld Aktien, Immobilien, Edelmetalle und sonstige Sachwerte gekauft.

    Und somit würden sie weit weniger von einer Geld-”Enteignung” getroffen, als die Mittelschicht.

  • Volkswirt sagt:

    Dear people,

    nach den eigenen Erkenntnissen der hier agierenden Personen dürfte es heute keinen Euro mehr geben!

    Völliger Schwachsinn und Panikmache mit dem vermutlichen Hintergrund der Kursbeeinflussung. In Wirklichkeit sind diese gestreuten Gerüchte ein Fall für die Staatspolizei wegen Volksverhetzung und dem Versuch der Staatendestabilisierung! Es ist völlig schleierhaft, wieso Dummköpfe daran auch noch glauben. Aber davon gibt es leider genug, die sterben nicht aus …

  • uxmadexmyxday sagt:

    Danke für den guten Artikel, alles plausibel so.
    Eichelburg ist mit seinen schwachsinnigen Ankündigungen immer neuer Währungsreformen grandios gescheitert. See also:

  • Wolfram Strassl sagt:

    Auch, wenn es damals massenhaft Kritik gab. Die Abwrackprämie hat sich als richtig erwiesen. Und die deutschen Produzenten haben einfach Glück, dass der zurückgegangene Verkauf in Deutschland daraufhin durch Zuwächse in den Vereinigten Staaten und in China mehr als ausgeglichen werden konnte.

  • omg sagt:

    besser spät als nie……


    thank you

  • chrischan sagt:

    Zum Thema Telefonzelle und Dmark 2, Ich habe eine solche fotografiert, es gibt/gab sie, interessanterweise wurde sie vor ca. 3 od. 4 Monaten abermals umgerüstet! Jetzt habe ich Fotos von eine Zelle die 2 mal in einem Jahr umgerüstet worden ist?
    Die wissen doch selbst nicht mehr was sie tun sollen.
    Und wir sind life dabei.
    Wenn gewünscht bastel ich ein kleines Video mit den Bildern.
    Guss Chrischan

  • Thomas Röttcher says:

    Gerne doch, so ein Video wäre sicher im Interesse nicht weniger Leserinnen und Leser.

    Best regards,
    Thomas Röttcher

  • Chris Chan says:

    Hallo gesagt getan. Hier das Video.
    Until then
    Gruss Chrischan

  • Chrischan sagt:

    Hallo, hier noch ein zweites Video der Telefonzelle.
    Ich werfe ne Mark ein, und seht selbst!
    Until then
    Gruss Chrischan


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