Time for the mind
Thomas Röttcher - Curriculum Vitae

Today is Walpurgis Night and, consequently, the first morning May is traditionally the day of work, as "day of the labor movement" called. To fight for work today appears - against the background of rising unemployment - more important than ever. But only at first glance.

Closer inspection reveals that the traditional wage-labor becomes more and more serve out. And as a logical consequence of the increasing automation and rationalization, as it explains the entrepreneur Götz Werner. In other words, to manufacture industrial goods human drudgery is now less than ever needed. So basically a blessing for society - assuming the absence of paid work is compensated with income. Income for everyone. The technical term for this is: basic income. zeitgeist illuminated the subject in detail in 27 print edition .

A website is now calling on this , the first May in declaring the day of income. A basic income, the creators of the page, make sure not to fall in times of old Wegfalles working conditions and necessities in no income or state-enforced employment certificate. It is further stated: "freedom from compulsion to work and leisure for self-determined action the richness of a modern society dar."

And how this fits to the title of this article mentioned in the freedom of the press? The answer is simple: In 1993, the UN General Assembly had suggested, 3 May be proclaimed the International Press Freedom Day. The message of Remembrance loud that every journalist must have all over the world have the right to report freely and without fear. At the appropriate UNESCO site it is noteworthy that: "Not only in totalitarian states, there are attacks on the international law guaranteed Press - and freedom of expression, journalists are put through violence and terror under pressure and subject to penalties. "

I would add: The protection of the freedom of the press, as provided in the Constitution and the country's press laws must be explained by publishers and editors a top priority. And financial enticements may not sabotage it. The latter danger is insidious. Means of surreptitious or simply by economic function of advertising insertions

And, also to be noted, would go with a basic income, the income largely motivated by idealism and loose interaction of the bloggers - learn proper appreciation - as a socially relevant counterweight to the commercial directed by corporate media.

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