Time for the mind
Thomas Röttcher - Curriculum Vitae

In recent days and weeks, I had often shake their heads. What is going on in the alternative media landscape? Am I dreaming or resemble the headlines more and more to those who are often "mainstream press" in terms of sensationalism? Familiarize yourself now politbloggers the motto "faster, higher and higher, more and more" intrinsically to?

It seems that so many - has been trying for years to education, the difficulties our economy money making evident - fired his powder. Formulations seem overused, maxed possible explanations - but the world continues to function as before. For most people, anyway. Despite the financial crisis. Despite debt.

Is it perhaps time, even to question their own motives? Possibly exist - secretly - the longing that he might finally happen, the much-touted system collapse? This one was right as a "prophet": true face can acquaintances or with respect to the readership? This one has his supplies not for nothing gained? Or for personal satisfaction serving?

Sure, it can lead to a total crash. He's probably even inevitable.

The more I ask myself, where the Mutmachende remains, the construction end? Where do i check concrete proposals for another, a better cooperation? Where there is support for "Getting to enter" as my colleagues from that magazine "Oya" dub on the cover of its latest issue?

Criticism was more than enough. The errors are detected. I wish that we were starting now, to exemplify what we us "after" as humane treatment of each other hoping for. Thus, the foundation is laid and can be a new, more stable society foundation created ( elsewhere already closer executed by me).

And this is also true - no, that is true to a large extent for the (independent) journalism, the here a model for others, and thus have a responsibility to.

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