What is wrong with our world? Play because all I'm crazy or that is deceptive?
Only the selbstinszenierte terror and fear mongering everywhere, then the climate catastrophe that is not really one, even the crisis do not really know what she wants - and now even SARS, uh, the Vogelgr ..., baloney swine, oh no, the say yes now swine flu. And because the run is as dramatic as the previous mentioned, the politicians are addicted to Impfwahn. Prevention is to be useful, yes. The only question is for whom. What is certain is the financial injection for the pharmaceutical industry, because the course so great distress suffers.
Across the Pond it thinks President Obama particularly well and calls on October 24 swine flu technically equal to the state of emergency . Strange, that was about to experience in the media almost nothing with us and if, then very euphemistically as in the case of the Süddeutsche Zeitung . Hardly anyone knows, therefore, that this is a drastic measure, which - can be stopped by Congress no longer easily - once under way! U.S. civil rights ade?
Because we are Europeans us right on the Lisbon Treaty, which - after the Irish now agreed yes "were" - should be brought immediately under cover and is egalitarian finally heave forward to American levels. Only a Czech village does unfortunately still fierce resistance, but somehow it will be soon enough "an accident". 1984 is no longer the code that counts. The secret number is probably rather 1933 Once again the question arises: Who guards the guards?
Good thing this country completed at least the coalition poker and also by Ministerialroulette is. Rien ne va plus. Hooray, we are able to govern again! Mrs Merkel was yesterday re-elected as chancellor, made possible by MPs who are (were thus not directly elected, but were given their posts through internal party allocation or retained) only on the second vote in office. Ms. von der Leyen has, no family minister may remain where they would have invested in more sogern health. After all, the CDU was healing enough now to admit that the awesome "stop sign campaign" urgent served the campaign . Were only a few poor souls of children who had to serve it.
Westerwelle (or Wester Wave, as he is favorably known abroad), world champion in one's self on-the-shoulder pat, has finally kicking in a government office, due to its good knowledge of English, the Foreign Ministry was inevitable (although I tend to this post would have meant for the Baron zu Guttenberg, because the best relations with the Foreign Office, but that's certainly. was only once to the earn his laurels in Afghanistan ...). And our dear Mr. Schäuble, who may devote themselves for a change finances. After all, he knows how six digit DM amounts (inconspicuous, more or less) can disappear , perhaps he succeeds so well at much higher sums of opposite sign? And if no, not so bad. The state budget is already at the end. He can clearly less than wreaking havoc on his überwachungsafinen former interior minister post ...
Maybe there's all just a bad dream. Look out the window, I also, I see the autumnal sun, everything seems like forever. The world is still in order.
Oh, I forgot: In November Roland Emmerich comes "2012" in theaters ...
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.. Apt summary of the current situation!
Is nice, too, that Obama on the one hand due to the A (H1N1) pandemic exclaims the Nostand and on the other hand will not let his daughters vaccinated against swine flu [1]. At the same time there are the first death in Sweden due to the vaccination. [2] Glaxo-Smith but is pleased with the "increase to 1.662 billion pounds (2.4 billion euros) to 1.54 billion pounds in the second quarter of last year. Revenue rose to 5.246 billion pounds (previous year: 4,971), while the operating income of 1.525 billion pounds to 1.711 billion pounds climbed "[3]. In parallel, the government is so slow again a "boom", while the Nobel laureate economist Stiglitz sums it up aptly: "" We have learned nothing from the crisis "[4]. And thus the mass, in addition to the A (H1N1) panic, a bit more verurunsicher is, one has allegedly identified Osama Bin Laden on a new video - which at closer inspection, but turns out to be bad forgery [5] ... how could it otherwise . could be, but Osama is most likely dead already, and delivers even more panic arises, Al Gore published his new book on climate change - full of errors, if the facts presented once compares with the facts from the scientific literature [6]. And that one for years too little attention the dangers of cell phone use, evidenced by recent studies, such as the denächst published WHO study [7]. Let's see ... what else so everything is waiting for us this year.
[1] http://tinyurl.com/yza55n6
[2] http://tinyurl.com/ygo62xj
[3] http://tinyurl.com/ykb52o5
[4] http://tinyurl.com/yjz9kgh
[5] http://tinyurl.com/yh7xv2a
[6] http://tinyurl.com/y9x5owt
[7] http://tinyurl.com/yk3dphl
That's it exactly. All scaremongering so certain people can earn it. That's what I also posted on my blog. Find it very nice that there is others out there who think this way.
Best wishes and never give up.