Time for the mind
Thomas Röttcher - Curriculum Vitae

The controversial EU reform Treaty of Lisbon is in this country by: by the German Bundestag, the Federal Council, the Federal Constitutional Court with conditions (after a total of eight or more parties had lodged a constitutional complaint), reworked with accompanying law and again by the Bundestag , dismissed renewed constitutional complaint and Finally, on 23 September, personally signed by the Federal President Horst Köhler . Matching the Bundestag elections.

Besides Germany previously 23 States had ratified the treaty. Now it depends only on the stubborn Irish, according to the media. The green island had indeed clearly in a referendum in June 2008 against the Lisbon Treaty. Morning, October 2, however, the referendum is to be repeated . The voting base (= the treaty) is exactly remained the same, even if the population were from politicians and media made binding promises otherwise. I therefore ask myself: Why take the voice of the sovereign there not serious, but compels the Irish in a second vote? Hoped that now flow less EU-opponents into polling station out of frustration? Or that the islanders fear of being expelled from the Union, to vote yes on the second time around?

In other member states of the EU, people were not asked for their opinion. On the contrary: As in Germany, the agreement was as inconspicuous as possible and quickly passed through the parliamentary process. Most MPs had neither time nor leisure to read back the document (as in a critical collaborative video of the TV show "Panorama" well documented). Was the leaders probably aware that the planned EU reform would find no majority agreement within the population?

Embezzling is often used by the press, that Poland and the Czech Republic have not yet been signed. In both countries, the paper stack is currently on the desk of the President. Poland's Kaczynski will put his signature under it only if the Irish agree. And Czech President Klaus, who repeatedly expressed critical of the EU , shows even more reserved . In the Czech Republic there is no law that Klaus could compel to sign ...

What objections are there at all against the Lisbon Treaty , which should only be foisted as EU Constitution us, but failed in referendums in France and the Netherlands and is now presented to us as an old wine in new bottles? - From "undemocratic concoction" is the Internet's speech, some places of a "coup". The reform law will, for example, the legislation entdemokratisieren, soften the separation of powers, call for increased military buildup, weaken the legal certainty of people and even introduce the death penalty. And all this behind his back and without the knowledge of the majority of the citizens concerned. The EU reform "would intervene for decades deep into the life of all EU citizens. A later amendment to the once ratified contract would be very difficult, "says summing up on the widely read blog "Duck Home" , which to the Attac intitiative "NO means NO" points, where a Petititon against the EU treaty can be signed . Active resistor is the "Independent Citizens' Initiative for a referendum on the EU treaty" that called enlightened again and again to rallies.

In the mass media we learn little of the whole protest and even the criticisms. Once again, you have to strive for the network. As appropriate and expert connoisseur has excelled in recent years, the constitutional lawyer Prof. Karl Albrecht Schneider shaft (available from him eg on DVD. "Lisbon Treaty: the road to the EU dictatorship" ), whose representations for a comprehensive opinion must necessarily be heard. In addition informative in this context is also the recently conducted interview with the historian Wolfgang Eggert . Everything you need to know about the background of the Lisbon Treaty and what we can expect from our EU future, the way you read in the upcoming print edition of the zeitgeist.

On melodically catchy, it brings the group "bandwidth" in your new song "Fear of Lisbon" to the point that I do not want you to miss:

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