Time for the mind
Thomas Röttcher - Curriculum Vitae

"What just select next weekend?" Ask not currently few, especially against the background, as a continuation of the grand coalition seems to be almost a done deal. We want the citizens could they? And: What alternatives are there anyway?

In my role as publisher, editor and journalist, I feel duty-bound for documentation of neutrality and would therefore like to express no specific choice recommendation. I located it but at heart, show substantial facts and trends in society and the consequences of possible choices that may help you, dear reader, dear reader, are spoiled for choice.

Eine große Koalition ist stets ein Signal profilloser Politik. Und eine Fortsetzung der bisherigen scheint fast so sicher wie das Amen in der Kirche ... (Foto: R. Dießl)

A large coalition was always document profile free party politics and harbors due to the due to weak opposition potentially dangerous. A continuation of the same coalition, however, seem almost as safe as the Amen in church, or act on the upcoming election Sunday more citizens than would be expected, with her voice on a miracle? (Photo: R. Dießl)

Now you can choose the one represented in the Bundestag party who has given you so far always the voice, it was out of habit, tradition, or even fear, the "rights" could otherwise win many votes. However, in order to confirm the policy of recent years in full. In addition I have in another article written some.

You can choose tactically, z. B. Change Select, with dubious success. Also, this choice is system affirmative.

One can protest Select. But then you are from exactly the wrong party's voice; but in any case not to choose "Pro", but "Contraband".

Or there is a so-called "small parties" agree, still idealistic and motivated vouch for the true values ​​and beliefs. Which parties might be that, read z. Example in my post "Colourful campaign Carnival (Part 2)" .

This (training) election applies, however, not only for the second vote, but also for the first vote. For information: While you choose with the two voice known for a party, you choose the latter directly with a candidate in the Bundestag (whether a member of a party or non-party). And therein lies a great opportunity.

In recent years, my observation after three streams have emerged as central citizens' interests, for which no or hardly exists on the part of government and also from the other major parties a lobby. This is the topic of self-determination rather than incapacitation (the Pirate Party is here on behalf of freedom in the network), the subject participation (this includes the desire for referendum or direct democracy - a profound contribution we currently have in our online special published an informative video clip there are here ), and the basic security issue, especially for the movement that is calling for an (unconditional) basic income.

Despite the ignorance of the government committed citizens can not give up and submit your veto respectively their desires politics, so far mainly by means of petitions (recently: for a basic income and against Internet censorship ), which are persistently ignored by the ruling parties. Without being discouraged and also to show how serious the situation is, now have distributed individual citizens put up to run as direct candidates for these topics throughout the country.

Candidates for the subject participation can be found, sorted by constituencies, on the following websites:

  • www.volksentscheid.de/wahlkreis/
  • www.fuervolksentscheide.de/wahlen/bundestagswahl-2009/245-current presence-in-Germany

Candidates for the basic security issue, see the following websites:

  • www.grundeinkommen-is-waehlbar.de
  • www.du-can-basic income-waehlen.de
  • In addition, individual candidates own homepages or video clips have created, such as the initiator of the basic income-petition Susanne Wiest , still the singer of the band "The range", Marcel Wojnarowicz also known as Voina , or in Berlin-Mitte, the author and philosopher Ralph Boes .
  • Additional parties (eg. Example the "Violet") and candidates who stand up for the basic income, see the "Archive basic income" as well as on the social networking platform Facebook .

A conceptual idea, which they began very early for the offensive use of the first vote and recently both the themes of self / co-determination as a basic income is asking for is the "Willi-way project" with its initiator Friedrich Schoenbeck. On their website there is also an overview of direct candidates in various constituencies.

The list of candidates who advertise in these issues is, of course, no guarantee that this is in any case is integrity personalities. Just in terms of the Willi-way candidates or the micro party "Germany for You" (D4U) occurred in the network to controversial discussions. Whatever agree to the allegations, each individual must check for themselves. It is therefore advisable to determine the telephone number of the corresponding candidate list and rounded to a personal meeting one's own opinion. Moreover also offers Abgeordnetenwatch.de , where possibly the same questions has already been asked, assistance.

Of the circulating proposals to boycott the election or consciously choose to invalid, so as to give his protest expression, I personally think nothing. Why do I think so, I had to run up to the European elections shown.

A good idea towards the end: In this federal election, it may be worth it as an election observer "contribute" as the (not approved for election) "Party of Good" inspires in its last press release . Just to make sure everything is above board. You never know.

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3 Comments on "The art of choosing the right"

  • Zukuntssurfer says:

    Thanks for the clear compilation. Keep it up.

    Here are some Heiteres, so before the election:

  • mattern wolfgang says:

    Thanks for this compilation!

    Best regards

    Wolfgang Mattern

  • Horst Telschig says:

    Situation assessment.

    It's about our world, the people and all of our lives. This raises the existential question of where humanity is now and how is their condition. An unusual external and internal pressure loaded us all. Observed time and see where I am (we all) at the moment and what to do to make life more relaxed again.

    The current economic, financial and social crisis and the upcoming parliamentary elections are the primary cause of the tense situation. A tree with sick roots can not bear healthy fruit. For centuries, mankind lives in a negative spiral of development. With few exceptions, we are, without noticing it all in fact victims of victims of victims ............ .. real. Everything is done under the direction of a yield-hungry power clique.

    The general election is to be regarded as a staged show event. Under the laws and the available mass current only shifts, but no sustainable improvement of the living conditions and quality of life are expected. Using the example of the tree measures are carried out on the leaves, which should lead to the recovery of the tree. No chance in our life situation to improve just a little thing. Thus mankind is presented for ages without realizing it.

    My remarks are not intended as a call for election denial, but as an impulse to look at reality with honesty and to display initiative in the future for a lebensfreudlichere world.

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