Time for the mind
Thomas Röttcher - Curriculum Vitae

"Geschmückte" Commerzbank-Arena: der richtige Ort für ein Treffen mit dem Dalai Lama?

"Decorated" Commerzbank-Arena: the place for a meeting with the Dalai Lama? (Photo: T. Röttcher)

At the last long weekend of the 14th Dalai Lama remained a guest in Frankfurt am Main. He who understands like no other cleric from the Eastern Hemisphere, the people (masses) to move. At least here in the west.

For the first time this year it cost entry to be able to admire the Tibetan "God-King" live. The regular ticket prices ranged between 20 and almost 250 euros, verily nothing to sneeze at. "Meet the Dalai Lama Once in a Lifetime" with was the organizer, the nonprofit Buddhism in Frankfurt a. M. 2009 GmbH, however, the appropriate slogan to reinforce the crowds at the event yet. The Dalai Lama as the iconic pop star.

We of the Zeitgeist Editorial us did on Saturday on the way to the event Because we were looking forward to the announced panel discussion "economic and ethical, environmental, global and personal responsibility". In discussions of the Dalai Lama included the founder of the dm drugstore chain Götz W. Werner, in his anthroposophist and supporters of the idea of a basic income, then the economist Karl-Heinz Brodbeck, with the "The rule of money. History and systematics " a considerable body of work presented, which has the makings of a classic, and also developed a Buddhist economic ethics, as well as the meteorologist Mojib Latif of the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences at Kiel University, was announced as one of the renowned German climatologist, then but only the now well-known fairy tales CO 2 nachbetete.


Panelists from left to right: Götz W. Werner, Karl-Heinz Brodbeck, translator of the Dalai Lama, HH the Dalai Lama, Mojib Latif, Gert Scobel (Photo: R. Dießl)

Unfortunately, the panel discussion was rather irrelevant, because no one really came about. Gert Scobel, known from the show "culture time" on 3SAT, was made efforts to balanced moderation, but this was repeatedly interrupted by a self-producing Latif. Ever came to the impression that every man for himself isolated his opinion was the best, next to a sunken over long distances in itself Dalai Lama. An essential new: None.

The latter also was not necessarily a happy figure (apart from his jokes, which he gladly pushes in between and make it so appealing for many). In the preface, the Dalai Lama announced that he sees the European Union as a wonderful development (apparently he knows nothing of the fierce debate about the Treaty of Lisbon), and that we need the concept of "one world" (One World) . After all, he added, in which not infrequently required concept of "one mind" (One Mind) he had his doubts, because the listening for something totalitarian. Nevertheless, it is not surprising in such statements that there are also critical voices regarding the work of the Tibetan leader (see eg. B. The posts 'The right to a free Tibet's Past " and "The golden sun of the East" on the zeitgeist website ).

And to the question Götz W. Werner during the panel discussion, what he thought of the basic income, Tenzin Gyatso replied verbatim: "My precise answer is: I do not now." Aha. If you can not expect to deal the caller in advance, even if one of them is the Dalai Lama, at least in the woods with the contents of the other?

Anyway, the organizers gave a positive assessment: A total of 52,500 visitors over four days in the Commerzbank-Arena.


The Dalai Lama in the football stadium-sized backdrop against mostly empty stands (Photo: T. Röttcher)

Although the football stadium was decorated and was trying to create a "Tibet Feeling", the location for my feeling was oversized. 10 to 15,000 visitors a day lost formally in the more than 50,000 people-making stadium - and the sound was something to be desired due to the size desired.

All in all, presents itself to me but then the question: What is the meaning and purpose to meet such a meeting with the Dalai Lama? And where does this get us really as mankind continue?

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