On Sunday's European elections - a poor turnout is already predicted. Many think that I have with the European Parliament on the hat: "The do anyway, what they want, just in Brussels" (keyword bulbs ban ). That may be true also, in fact, the European Parliament (which actually does no such is) significant democratic deficits on, and that will worsen the already ratified in almost all Member States, the Treaty of Lisbon further. More on this sensitive issue by the way you read in the next zeitgeist-print edition , as much is already revealed here.
A friend of the new federal states said the other day, and they included all upcoming elections this year that she felt when she looks at the established parties, reminiscent of the former GDR . Since it is also been so: The offer was brought into line. Whatever you chose - it went to the same thing ...
Furthermore, one hardly knows not the European election candidates, even those of the CDUCSUSPDFDPGRÜNENLINKSPARTEI what the news magazine ZAPP turned out in his last show. Does not surprise me really, after all, it was her name before behind closed doors always unpleasant politicians would have "promoted" to Brussels (let's hope that these supposedly "disposed careerists" not now our Fate). Martin Schulz, top candidate of the SPD parliamentary group in the European parliament and that looks completely different. In the SPIEGEL number 22 from 25.05.09 he claims that he knew a quarter of Germans, according to surveys. Who believe it - rather begs the question of who was there when questioned ...
However, it does matter whether we or what we choose, I say. Okay, so what to do on Sunday? What possibilities does the voters at all and which ones make sense?
Option 1: Select an established party
If you want everything continues running in the same old rut, this is the right way. System reforms will be not to be expected, because the world's problems can not be solved with the same mindset by which they were generated (freely adapted from Albert Einstein). Likewise, one must make for version 1 no expectations about the election promises or later even complain when they are not again observed (which is almost mathematically predictable). In terms of "election campaign" more audacious swords are unsheathed yes. So almost everything seems the voters fishing now allowed: In Italy votes can be bought, the journalist Udo Ulfkotte reported in KOPP-Verlag. quite so corrupt we are in this country, hopefully not (yet) ...?
Option 2: Choose a small (er) Party
Which enter the European elections yes to so few. Also on board are - in addition to the "usual suspects" of the extreme right / left, the Christian fundamentalists, or special interest groups - this time also parties that are more than just a glimpse value (A first selection I had in a previous blog entry presented; at the time, however, was not yet clear who will all be accepted for European elections.) on the ballot now z. B. two parties are committed to direct democracy are the same ("referendum" and the constituency association "For Referenda"), then a party that focuses on campaigns for the democratization of the EU ("Newropeans"), also "the Violet", advocating among other things the basic income and finally the active already in 18 countries and is therefore particularly relevant because of the supranational votes bundling for the European elections " Pirate Party "which especially the most pressing issues, the EU concerning the agenda has: privacy, preservation of press freedom, government transparency instead of corruption. For Orwell's "Big Brother" is us in the costume of the European Union certainly much more freedom restrictions bring (see also my article "From respectable citizens to potential terrorists ...") . The operator of the website www.buergerrechte-waehlen.de has taken the trouble to investigate the programs of the major parties to that effect. This is particularly transparent, at which point which undermine the foundations of democracy parties and is therefore in good conscience no longer allowed to vote.
Morning, the day before the election, the protest against this background in Mainz "Freedom not Fear" are aligned, which is supported by the way, in addition to approximately 30 other citizens' initiatives, also of the Pirate Party. In other cities, each tens of thousands of people were interested in the rally. It therefore seems to be a whole movement, primarily to act even younger fellow citizens, for which the Pirate Party representative. One should not be deterred by the rebellious or anarchistic acting party name or poster announcing himself doing.
If you are still uncertain about which party best represents their own interests, even the "Wahl-O-Maten" the Federal Centre for Political Education can consult pull (see link at the bottom of my article "Save the elections" ). Can be When displaying the results compared only 8 of a total of 32 parties (probably should be avoided, that small parties get too much space in the result): But be careful. My tip: As well even be brave and various parties, including less or completely unknown, click to show the juxtaposition. You will be amazed what order is ejected!
Perhaps you're thinking: Choose a small party? This will bring nothing but the voice is due to the 5 -% - hurdle (which actually is nonsense at European elections - in other countries exists such restrictive clause can not reasonably be ) wasted anyway. Since I put the other hand, if every so think nothing ever changes, no new party has the more a chance. And anyway: Wasted to whom? A voice that is given sense of a small party, deprives you of an established party. She is also in the total vote count one (which is not the case for version 3). A visible protest so, he shall be in the sum of not only the media but also the major parties sit up (as done for example by the creation of the Pirate Party in Sweden, the other parties prompted to change their positions with respect to the copyright , for fear to lose even more votes).
Option 3: Select Intentionally invalid
Make a "big cross", ie the entire ballot rule out true to the motto: Another expression of protest "No matches here, please submit a better offer." While creative in approach, the usefulness ago but ineffective. For more than a one-time press coverage will not fall off in the best case. In addition, the major parties would benefit from (and continue to govern the years ahead as), because invalid votes - and this would be expected to realize otherwise placed crosses - are not shown in the statistics. In percentage terms, the Valid only be set as a hundred. You just go by a certain number of invalid votes, and would increase the already dramatic that it ever would be an issue for the media ...
Variant 4: focus on direct mandates
This concept was a few years ago mainly by the website www.williweise.de popular. The idea can be selected using own, non-party candidates themselves determined to parliament, is basically not a bad (for the social elections in 2011 there is a similar proposal: www.sozialwahl2011.net ). For the European elections, however, this strategy is obsolete, since only a single vote may be cast for a party.
Variant 5: Not go select
And this brings us back to the opening quote of the political, no actually Parteiverdrossenen: "The politicians do anyway, what they want." And these things will they do in the future without a doubt still bolder, if nothing is done Passable. So found a party of non-voters? No, the approach already existed - he met with no response ...
Gabor Steingart, an employee of the news magazine Der Spiegel and author of the title "The question of power - views of a non-voter" , advises on his website www.demokratie-erneuern.de : "Who wants to promote the opening of today's party State shall not confirm it. Who chooses, agrees. "Therefore Steingart opted for abstention and hopes as to" a new electoral law with more impact for citizens, direct election of the President, further development of the Basic Law for a democratic constitution, introduction of direct democracy through referendum at the federal level. "I ask him the question: How can a people be empowered again even if it can be the only and last democratic participation rights, namely the choice, also expired yet? For me, it could rather be interpreted as a signal that citizens wanted NO plebiscitary democracy! On that us the right to vote would then also taken ...
"Who sleeps in a democracy wakes up in a dictatorship", already knew Goethe.
Therefore, I advise: go on Sunday to choose!
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Hello Thomas,
Thanks for the post! I hope that many people still read but me your lines and go in today to choose from!
Best regards
I see things differently.
It may be that the political clowns a low turnout again talk nicely with flowery words.
Only, only the non-participation in this (doubtful-legal) choice can be "which" legitimize.
With a turnout of <20%, there is simply no flowery words more that could equalize the.
And, any involvement - no matter how - is a type of consent.
Thank you for the work that thou hast made thee here. Helped me. I had caught me something in the "basic strategy question" and felt after reading again "straight ahead".
Inclined reader, I want the courage to explore more what it. Using the "da" is all about
As long as we sit mentally in THIS boat, we are part of the problem and not the solution.
Kind regards,