Archive for May 10th, 2009
Democratic regimes are not prepared for the level of participation, which is required for pending decisions on the climate issue. This is provided in the announcement of an international climate change conference, which is scheduled in Essen from June 8 to 10, as a postulate in the room. Among the supporters of the conference, which blithely enough, the title " The Great Transformation bears ", next to the Federal Environment Ministry are the foundations of Thyssen, Krupp, Henkel, Volkswagen and Hertie, explains Michael Limburg, spokesman for the independent Climate Institute EIKE . Limburg, author of an article about the profiteers of "climate catastrophe" in zeitgeist-Bulletin 1-2009 , has long criticized the instrumentalization of climate change on the part of the authorities. In the conference call, he recognizes an "unconstitutional and bustle." Read this story »