Action plate of the AK censorship
The "authorized" Blocking Internet Sites (see blog entry of April 18 ) were employed, yes reluctant apparently far more German citizens than expected. A yesterday drafted online petition that can be drawn on by anyone who had within a day more than 16,000 (!) supporters and thus brought the petition server partially disrupted Explains the Working Group against Internet blocking and censorship (AK censorship) today in a circular. Right now (at 17:32) have been involved 23,000 still rising - and also the connection issues persist. Last message when you call the page: "Sorry, SMF what Unable to connect to the database. This' may be Caused by the server being busy. Had Please try again later. "Similar server bottlenecks few weeks ago a petition calling for the unconditional basic income triggered (over 53,000 Mitzeichner in six weeks), which I had reported some here.
Actually, of course, but I want to mention it: Supporters of the current petition against Internet censorship hot neither child abuse nor pedophilic tendencies well as the discussion in the accompanying Forum shows. Rather, it is not easy to accept arbitrary and unreasonable restrictions of personal freedoms so. Hauptpetentin Franziska Heine: "The primary goal - to protect children and to prevent their abuse of both, as well as the distribution of child pornography, we do not make this absolutely in question - on the contrary, it is in all our interests. That the measures provided for in the plans for this are unsuitable, was exposed in many places and confirmed several times by experts from various fields. Blocking of Internet sites has virtually no detectable influence on the physical and psychological integrity of abused children. "
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