A London borough, the parking fee after the CO 2 emissions conceded, a CO 2-neutral mobile tariff (Talk Greener), "CO 2 -frisierte" electric cars ... - and now, the curtain, the CO 2 -Card : the rage of the creative workshop of carbon dioxide Verteufler. The profiteering with the supposed greenhouse gas ever drives stranger flowers.
What's up with the map on it? There are now thinking , every man should own CO 2 account and receive a limited consumption law, according to z. B. two tonnes of CO 2. He can book up as he wants, in his car, the heating, the sport (= increased exhalation). If this quota is used up, so the scenario, and the desire for more CO 2 emissions there, you just have to buy more "pollution rights".
If it was after the Aachen Foundation , which has come up with all this, this should take place on a stock exchange. If you consume less, could his rights there, the easiest banks, sell. The price for the carbon dioxide, the yes some - such as the CEO of Shell - have been demanding for a long time, would result from supply and demand and, in the spirit of the inventor, increasing as certainly supply their needs just with the CO 2 -Basismenge. And therein put the educational approach to climate protection.
Climate change? The term is yes today almost become synonymous with environmental protection. Actually strange: Will you actually verklickern us, you protect the environment by CO 2 is avoided, a demonstrably harmless trace gas? At another place I've been to a comparison made. Dear Mr. Minister of the Environment, which you probably just an elaborate and CO 2 tax, because you really follow your common sense?
Finance and Interior Minister rub in any case before the hands of even more transparency, more surveillance, more cash, more speculation ... !? Well fine, as if we did not have it long enough.
About modern drain emissions trading we reported in zeitgeist issue 1-2008 (Cover story: "The Climate Religion: Muzzle for science?"). Was unveiled at " Atmosfair ", a website where you can donate money for each completed flight miles. Practical - especially for the owner of the site.
Meanwhile, there are the "CO 2 footprint" so that people will know for sure how bad your conscience has to be. The "shoe size" you can eg. B. at Greenpeace or the petroleum giant BP can be calculated by means of CO 2 -Kalkulator. Even more practical.
That gives me an idea: I would propose "CO 2 neutral" as word of the year 2009.
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Right, "CO2-neutral" would be a good suggestion for the word of the year 2009!
It is simply unbelievable how the CO2 theory is still portrayed in the media as true. That this spirit makes an exception and critically reported, is very commendable!
Another very good summary of the errors in the CO2 theory is actually located in the following journal article: