Time for the mind
Thomas Röttcher - Curriculum Vitae

Crisis as an opportunity, which I now have often heard and read. But what really have a chance?

So many hopes so secretly for years, it finally crashes. That the old, the outdated social system disappears. One, an old acquaintance from the Black Forest, every day expecting 10 years ago with the collapse, did not take any more jobs - but the collective collapse failed to materialize, but he came to the edge of a personal. Both business and pleasure it went downhill with him, he was increasingly cynical. I asked him then how he because "the time after" imagined. But so far he did not want to think.

He was probably, like other (now) also assume that automatically improve things. Just like that. But let's be honest: Is not that a bit naive? From nothing comes nothing known, so why here? It depends but solely on us in civil society, in what we create today as a "better world." This then serves as a catch basin, from the new company foundation constituted. So it can but the only issue, now to act as role models and exemplify as an individual, we expect the community.

And now the good news: This does not need crash, we can already afford! From now on same. With and without suffering.

I know quite a few who, remember in these times, in which capitalism is about to capitulate on human qualities. Values ​​seem to obtain a value again, families closer together, commmunication and exchange is important, mutual aid written suddenly quite large. More and more care before, something that was taken for granted before. People seem to sense that networking and solidarity could be essential if the with the crisis, which is not really a yes , but it should come to no good end.

Since it takes concrete shape, the opportunity in the crisis.

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3 Responses to "The good thing about the" crisis ""

  • Josef Mündl says:

    Immeasurable assistance from space.
    One of the recent interesting posts:
    The date for the beginning of the most necessary changes has come

  • Oliver Janich says:

    Hello Mr. Röttcher,

    the only chance of the crisis would be if the people finally understand what went wrong. And that's clearly not the failure of capitalism, but a failure of socialist central control of the money markets by central banks.

    more detail here:


    with reasonable sincerely
    Its author :)

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