Archives for March 2009
Just recently I went to the sad news that I greatly appreciated Eugen Gabowitsch no longer with us. He died on January 21, in his 71st year of life after several months suffering. Zeitgeist reader you even know of his chronology critical contribution Bulletin 1-2004.
The mathematician with a doctorate Gabowitsch counted besides Heribert Illig and Uwe Topper probably the best-known analysts of history in this country. You all had and it is a concern - so different their research approaches may be - to show that so many of our era is wrong, perhaps even centuries have been sealed so. Gabowitsch who could represent quite daring theories (such as the fact that the Great Wall of China, as we know it today, is not older than 50 years is - he could also prove accordingly), always made a point to talk about a fictional time not from time forgery. The latter sounded him too much like conspiracy, while avoiding to hit the heart of the matter. This entry »
As power - mostly invisible - works and what it does with people, one of the tries partner initiative organized festival in moving pictures to keep in mind. Since January, it will be aligned in German cinemas until autumn 2009, then in a total of 120 cities, from Aachen to Zeil am Rhein.
The organizers as well as the filmmakers aim is not to imply the existence of a central authority; Rather, the different forms of power whose mechanisms and dealing with it should be pointed out more of this entry »
Last night our editors received the indication of an online vote of the European Citizens' Consultations, a facility that was completely unknown to me until now. As I experienced, they bring randomly selected citizens from all 27 EU Member States together, are to discuss with policy makers the most important challenges facing Europe - ahead of the European elections, of course, of particular importance.
Suggested topics may submit on the internet, be distributed equally there Voices (registration is necessary). Here is a selection previously filed applications in Germany: This entry »
With a "fake" TIME-number has on March 21, the anti-globalization network Attac caused a stir. Claims to have created 150,000 copies of the newspaper in 90 German cities distributed. In the post-dated to May 1 2010 newspaper edition is anticipated and envisioned what this country and in the world until then everything could and should be improved. Even the display advertising was redesigned creatively. A similar action was the activist group "The Yes Men" last fall with the "New York Times" carried out. However, this was not so easy to expose as fake. This entry »
Today is World Water Day - perhaps the most important substance of the (over-) life undergoes another appraisal. Also for me personally the topic is very important, which is why we continuously since 1999 at least one article on the subject in the Zeitgeist print edition bring. Because water represents our sources for information storage, for strange anomalies and other enigmatic, but also for thirst, water wars and cross-border leasing.
Just The latter, abbreviated CBL, is now - against the backdrop of the financial crisis - (again) in the headlines advised. Around 50 German cities and municipalities had between 1994 and 2004 from a chronic lack of funding their waterworks, sewers, sewage treatment plants, but also sells rail networks, exhibition halls, hospitals and even schools of American financial investors, and then leased back (zeitgeist reported in detail in Bulletin 1-2004 under the Title "The Clandestine sell our water"). Thus, the investor received under US law a tax advantage which he passed as a present value benefit of four to five percent to the contractors. However, the lion's share went not to the German cities and municipalities, but to banks and insurers who - what a surprise? - Were in the same boat. This entry »
What's wrong with our money? Gone are the days when hard currency was talk. Will the euro retain their value or soon hardly be worth the paper on which it is printed? Come overnight currency reform as in the introduction of the Deutschmark in 1948?
Questions that more and more people ask themselves - and on the basis of historical uniqueness is at least as many speculative answers are like self-proclaimed experts. So let us try to keep us in an approach as possible to facts, to those who are reasonably well verifiable. Of this entry »
A London borough, the parking fee for the CO 2 emissions conceded a CO2-neutral wireless service plan (Talk Greener), "CO 2 -frisierte" electric cars ... - and now, the curtain, the CO 2 -Card: the rage of the creative workshop of carbon dioxide Verteufler. The profiteering by the alleged greenhouse gas ever drives stranger flowers.
What's with the map on it? There are now considerations, every man should own CO 2 account and receive a limited usage right corresponding to z. B. two tonnes of CO 2. He can verplanen as he wants in his car, the heating, the Sport (= increased exhalation). If this quota is used up, so the scenario, and the desire for more CO 2 emissions there, you just have to buy more "pollution rights". This entry »
The upswing is here -. At least when it moors at the growth of new parties, while the main parties continue to lose credibility (not only considering its Profillosigkeit, but also because now, the crisis in mind, will again tinkered only at symptoms instead finally the causes to get to the bottom), other show in founder mood. This, the currently emerging "small parties" is common that they ostensibly do not see themselves as opposition, and did not occur as protesters with radical approach, but rather a solution-oriented, the whole picture field.
I want to present here a selection: This entry »
Crisis as an opportunity, which I now have often heard and read. But what really is the chance?
So many hopes so secretly for years, that it finally crashes. That the old, the inherited social system disappears. One, an old acquaintance from the Black Forest, every day counted 10 years ago with the collapse, took no more jobs - but the collective collapse failed to materialize, but he came to the edge of a personal. Both business and pleasure, it went downhill with him, he became increasingly cynical. I asked him at that time the question of how he is because "the time after" presented. This entry »
2009 was chosen to Darwin Year - the most well-known representatives of the theory of evolution would this year become 200 years old. The EVO magazine has dedicated to a website designed, and my colleague Ron Engert made it the cover story of the latest issue of its magazine Tattva Viveka. Only two of countless releases, event announcements and other assessments - Google announces at the keyword "Darwin Year" already hit 235,000, barely a quarter of the year is over.
Especially made much trouble, the broadcaster has 3sat with the flash animation "The Darwin Code". In addition to all kinds of cultural references and course tear-outs from Darwin's biography and discussion of diverse colleagues and competitors (forgotten however was the British philosopher and sociologist Herbert Spencer, zeitgeist on its significant research findings in Issue 2-2007 had reported in detail), it is mainly a series of video clips to key terms of evolution ("Darwin bits") that are particularly successful, z. B. on mimicry, coevolution, or epigenetics also got into the fashion creationism.
It would be desirable, however, to take the Darwin Year also as an opportunity to reinvigorate the dialogue about the weaknesses or breaks in the theory of evolution, which it indeed remains crucial are more of this entry »
The otherwise quite informative television format "nano" appeared recently polemical. In the broadcast from 06:03:09 the question should be investigated if not the man but the sun could be the trigger of climate change, as often claimed. Instead the issue objectively backlighting, even a Swiss scientist was just interviewed who had not yet come to my knowledge in the climate debate in appearance. Based on the measurement of beryllium-10 atoms came to this strange resumé: The sun remains a dynamic star, their influence on the Earth, however, constant. Hide what that kind of logic? Is because of this entry »
Today me fluttered a promotional letter of Dresdner Bank into the house, with a print on the envelope, which made look towards me twice: "Exclusively for SMEs: our new consulting services to secure liquidity."
Nanu was said major bank recently not even get into financial difficulties? A leap of faith in all honor: But how will anyone credibly and competently advised me that does not have its own finances under control? This entry »
The website of German Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble has become hacked, writes the computer magazine Com! In its latest issue. A gap in the online content management system Typo3 have made this possible. The villain was probably a Jester: He put a link to the Working Group on Data Retention, exactly at that facility, which in this country is probably the most important initiative against the aspirations of data retention. The AK stock, so the short term, emerged as a coalition of privacy advocates, civil rights activists and various organizations and was the main coordinator of the "freedom-instead-fear" demonstrations. This entry »