The (unconditional) basic income is one of the few social policies that would have the potential to solve many of our problems with a bang (Zeitgeist reported in Issue 2-2007 ).
Since then, the idea of various sites and stakeholders was discussed, deepened and developed in several Modellanstätzen. Well-known representative of the thought, if different in their implementation idea, are the entrepreneurs Götz Werner and the Thuringian Minister President Althaus. Already three Congresses to basic income were now taken - and an elaborate, highly informative DVD was produced in-house, you can find the trailer on that below.
On December 29, 2008 now felt a citizen of Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the pulse, a petition to the German Bundestag submit (Why did not someone earlier on this idea?). What is a petition? Wikipedia defines it as input "to a government agency or a representation of the people. There usually are petitions from citizens to parliaments to change laws or adopt. Petitions to parliament ... be forwarded to the respective Petitions Committee which reviewed and answered. "This, then, to the basic democratic right of participation. For public petitions is possible to co-signing for others (which you should perceive it as long as possible plus is the slope).
In short: Whatever actually cause the petition in parliament - a signal it sets all. Participate could be reason alone worth to "those up there" to prove that "down there" a far greater interest in the subject than it is commonly portrayed in the media (even if one regards the nature of the precise configuration of the basic income may disagree).
The petition - the latest state of play
After rather scanty start had participated on 15 January 2009 at least 600, January 20, there were already at the time the busiest already on 2000th The basic income-petition was what documents the high number of discussions on the Mitzeichnungsseite . I have just counted Mitzeichner 4640 - and the trend is growing, perhaps even exponentially ...? The Mitzeichnungsfrist ends on February 10 of 2009.
Direct Link to Petition
The trailer for the basic income-film:
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